I am also the singer and guitarist in the band Walk Through Hell , check us out!
The songs above:
"Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't"
Original Artist: Brand New
Okay I only heard about this song because MC Lars sampled it - I subsequently recorded the original. And for those of you who are not convinced of my rock credentials, have a listen!!
Avaliable on the album "Deja Entendu"
"Four Winds"
Original Artist: Bright Eyes
Jus' me and my acoustic guitar in a single take in front of a single microphone bashing out the great Bright Eyes song, pretty rough but still I like it :D
Avaliable on the album "Cassadaga"
"That Green Gentleman"
Original Artist: Panic at the Disco
Um, me singing and playing panic, anything else to add, don't think so... maybe i shouls mention the production here, I did a single take in front of my laptop (using pretty poot quality built-in mic) then I attempted to polish a turd with Logic Studio! Funtime!
Avaliable on the album "Pretty. Odd."
"In the Rain"
Original Compostion: A Conspiracy of Ravens
This is a demo of the newest song by my old band A Conspiracy of Ravens featuring me on vocals, and everything except that epic solo. Yeh, I even did the orchestra!
"Untitled 03"
Original Artist: Brand New
Yeah, I know Brand New again, but they are a sublime band, this one just me and my new acoustic, turned out alright, what do you think? This is my favourite song from the nine demos that leaked in 2006
Original Song avaliable on the Internet as part of their album demos for The Devil And God are Raging Inside Me
"Paper Wings"
Original Artist: Rise Against
I found this song (as I did many others) on the Burnout 3 Video Game soundtrack. It kicks ass! So I made it slower and arranged it for acoustic guitar!
Avaliable on the album "Siren Song of the Counter Culture"
I made this!
If I Had A Time Machine, That Would Be Fresh
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But according to youtube user jesserawr I didn't make it "mc lars did you ass hole"