Adventurer, Inventor, Showman, Dreamer...Joel Meyers, an innovative inspirational illusionist who has already taken the world by storm at 24 years old, performing a progressive brand of magic for celebrities and audiences of all types and ages worldwide. Newsweek magazine says Joel quite simply "will capture your imagination.†That’s no wonder, because his intriguing blend of masterful stage presence and striking good looks makes Joel a performer you can’t take your eyes off of.Joel’s varied and impressive résumé includes everything from star performances off Broadway and numerous Insurance and Fortune 500 Companies’ private parties, and corporate shows, to appearances at five-star restaurants, countless charity events and fundraisers, Universities, numerous celebrities and even a recent tour in China.Joel’s uncanny sense of what entertainment is perfect for any audience in any setting also serves him well. As does his combination of magic and stagecraft that is not only creative but unequaled within the performing arts. Few embody the incredible technical savvy with showmanship, physical skills and charisma as he does. As one witness says, "he takes his audiences on a journey that will forever impact their lives."Always working toward the the inspirational idea that nothing is impossible he has an amazing way of taking his audiences with him on his magical excursions and he is only beginning his quest.
Joel Meyers 2009 Promo Video. Click Below!
Joel Meyers 2009 Show Highlight Reel.
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