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sports. my favorite football team is pittsburgh, and my favorite basketball team is the 76ers an i like the Heat too even tho i aint in to watchin b-ball all like that unless it's some dudes on the real court doin they thang.
Bowwow, Romeo, Chris Brown, Pretty Ricky, and Trey Songz an deffinitly T.I. an i also wanna meet some real people on here cuz its alot of fake niggas in dis world an i don need no mo of dem kind around me. 1LUV
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 11%
Kissing Skill Level - 38%
Cudding Skill Level - 85%
Sex Skill Level - 100%
Why They Love You You taste good.
Why They Hate You You talk too much.
This cool quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 4251 Times.
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r&b, hip-hop, and rap.
What are your hidden talents?
Do you like cheese?
What is candy made out of?
Musical Talent - 57%
Acting Ability - 16%
Athletic - 50%
Fashion/Designer - 57%
Romance - 86%
Chance of you Making it big in any of these (8) - It is decidedly so. - (8)
This fun quiz by SpareBassPlayer - Taken 7476 Times.
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drama, comedy, suspence, horror... stuff like that. my favorite movies are Love n Basketball and Scarface...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Mercedes
Age?: 17
Height?: 5'5"
Weight?: 130
Birthday?: November 18
Birthplace?: Northside Hospital Y-Town
Current Location?: Y-Town
School/Grade?: Chaney/11
Zodiac Sign?: SCORPIO
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: SNAKE
Righty or Lefty?: righty
Haircolor?: dark brown
Eyecolor?: dark brown
Skin Color?: between caramel an milk choclate... u tell me
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: mom, g-ma, 2 brothers, an 1 sister
Any Pets?: 2
If So What Are They?: a cat an a dog
Favorite Relative?: my big bro twan,my uncle duke (r.i.p), an my cuddy lil timmy
Least Favorite Relative?: my real father/sperm doner
What's Your Heritage/Race?: i'm a mut... leave it at that
Political Affilation?: democrat
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: yupperz
If So, With Whom?: my boo james
For How Long?: 6 months on may 6
Are You In Love?: of course
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: nope
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: hell no
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: like 12
Virgin?: maybe, maybe not
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: nunya
Was It Enjoyable?: nunya
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: nunya
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: my lips, my neck, an my forehead
Best Love Quote?: if u in love, nuthin can keep u apart
Your Friends
Best?: dominique, manda, kourtnie, jerriene,landria, carlton, an tillman
How Many Do You Have?: alot
More Guys Or Girls?: guys
Love Them All?: of course
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: i'm close to them all
Oldest?: dominique
Newest?: i dunno
Pen Pal?: none
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: kourtnie
Flower: chaunise
Pink: landria
Window: manda
Heart: jerriene
Mother: jerriene an manda
Bread: manda
Insane: all of them
Sunglasses: carlton
Pimp: tillman
Cross: manda
Lonely: darrius lol
Car: dominique
Music: carlton
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Thongs or G-Strings?: g-strings
Shorts or Pants?: pants
Shoes or Barefeet?: socks
Books or Movies?: movies
Night or Day?: afternoon
Dark or Light?: dim
Mountains or Beach?: pool
Snow or Sun?: sun
Pepsi or Coke?: lemonade
Guys or Girls?: guys
Swim or Surf?: float
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: for
Abortion?: against
Bush Getting Re-elected?: AGAINST!!!!!!!
Suicide?: against
War?: against
Pants?: against lol
Clothes In General?: against lmao
Penises?: FOR!!!!
Color?: blue, red, an black
Number?: 3
Holiday?: my birthday counts right???
Season?: summer
Movie?: love an basketball, scarface, an the wood
Book?: my photo album lol
Magazine?: jet an ebony
Food?: fries or any type of cooked potato
Drink?: lemonade
TV Show?: bet
Song?: to many to choose from
Band?: to many to choose from
Computer Game?: collapse
Video Game?: none really im not a game head
Anime/Manga?: huh???
Shirt?: to many to choose from
Pants?: to many to choose from
Actor?: omar epps
Actress?: sanaa lathan an vivica a fox
Singer?: Aaliyah
Flower?: rose
Scent?: vanilla
Animal?: dog
Cookie?: chocolat chip
The Future
Want To Go To College?: yupperz
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: graphic designer
Want To Get Married?: yupperz
Want To Have Kids?: yupperz
What Would Their Names Be?: idk yet
How Many?: 2 or 3
Where Do You Want To Live?: any where but youngstown... 2 much drama
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: idk yet
How Do You Want To Die?: peacefully
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: 4
Tattoos?: 0
Smoke?: no
Drink?: no
Do Drugs?: hell no
Skinny Dip?: uh no
Greatest Fear?: God even tho i shuldnt fear him
Chocolate or Vanilla?: both
Go To Church?: yupperz
Religion?: christian- other
Scars?: a lot
CDs Owned?: to many
Collections?: huh???
Like To Be Naked?: maybe, maybe not lol
Ever Eaten Sushi?: uh no
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: yupperz
Been On Stage?: yupperz
Danced In The Rain?: yupperz clownin
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: my mom, g-ma, an lil sis on the cheek
Weirdest Dream?: wuldnt u like 2 kno lol
Best Dream?: wow nosey are we
Saddest Dream?: dont bring it up
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: already did
Think You're Attractive?: y not??
Shoplifted?: yeah when i was little
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: wut u mean "doin somehtin"??
Weirdest Makeout Place?: lol
Like Thunderstorms?: yupperz
Favorite Shoes?: my nikes
Favorite Quote?: trust no nigga, fear no bitch, fear no nigga, trust no trick
Best Advice Given?: a man is not worth crin 4, but the 1 who is wont make u cry
Worst Advice Given?: dont fight her
Favorite Song Lyric?: to many to choose from
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: love is worth it
Glad This Is Over?: hell yeah
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Don't really watch much but when i do i watch comedy and forensics
my mom, my brother twan, an my unkle duke(R.I.P) cuz they made me b-lieve in my self when nobody else cared.