I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4:::My name is Sarah:::
[X] I love God with all my heart.
[X] I strive to be like Jesus.
[X] I'm in love with my boyfriend, Greyson.
[X] I'm a freshman at Butte.
[X] I love anyone who makes me laugh.
[X] Life would be pointless without music.
[X] Sleep deprivation is my middle name.
[X] I HATE making descions.
[X] I finally got the guy of my dream.
[X] Pancakes make my tounge burn.
[X] I'm a Showbread addict.
[X] I cry when I see someone else cry.
[X] My heart jumps like a 3 year old on crack when I'm at a concert.
[X] My babe's the drumer for Standard Bearer.
[X] I don't eat vegetables.
[X] Seeing old people eat alone makes me really sad.
[X] Lonliness is my weakness.
[X] Myspace IS an addiction, no matter what they say.
[X] Sean and Derek rock the guitar.
[X] Procrastination is my way of life.
[X] I'm a perfectionist...I take my time.
[X] I use a ruler to underline things.
[X] Lindsay's awsome!!
[X] Greyson has the prettiest eyes!
[X] Animals make my heart smile.
[X] I love my friends more then anything else.
[X] I'm obsessed with chapstick.
[X] Black matches everything.
[X] I'm with the drummer.
[X] You don't need drugs to be DOPE.
[X] My cat makes me laugh.
[X] Greyson's mine....mine.....mine!!
[X] I love Gilmore Girls!!!
[X] I won't eat anything green.......unless it's green candy of course!!!
[X] I can blend a smoothie like nobodys business.
[X] I think apple and peanutbutter together taste good.
[X] I LOVE raw cookie dough and icecream.
[X] I dye my hair a lot.
[X] My room's never clean.
[X] I love to pierce my ears......I have 11 extra holes in my head.
[X] Redneck words make me giggle.
[X] My socks almost never match.
[X] My sister's a big part of my life.
[X] Fast blinkers bug the crap out of me.
[X] It's amazing how much a smile from you could change my day.
[X] A day with out praying makes me irritable.
[X] I tend to use my heart over my brain.
[X] Water has no taste.
[X] I love to laugh.
[X] Rockstars make breathing fun.
[X] I love driving barefoot.
[X] I live for scary movies!!
[X] School doesn't bother me.
[X] I don't eat a lot.
[X] I think I'd die without my iPod.
[X] I'd blend in with snow if I wore shorts.
[X] Seeing Greyson every morning makes getting up at 6:30 worth it.
[X] We have a fat cat.
[X] I love meeting new people.
[X] I'm deathy afraid of the Smurf race. Smurfs will come down from
Planet Creepy and kill us all!!
xXx 60 Things To Do Before I'm Dead xXx
::: save someones life
::: laugh until I cry
::: eat until I barf
::: see the world
::: help a cat give birth
::: bring someone to Christ
::: talk to a total stranger about Gods love
::: go to Scottland
::: hold my breath until I pass out (almost)
::: talk to Santa Clause
::: do a chinese fire drill in LA traffic
::: make a slinky go down a whole flight of stairs like on the commercials
::: fly a plane
::: see a UFO
::: get a tattoo (three stars behind my ear)
::: pierce my tongue
::: get married
::: have three kids
::: design my dream home and watch it go up
::: adopt a manatee
::: learn to square dance
::: learn to play guitar
::: be chased around my garden by a bear
::: learn how to pick a lock
::: have at least $1,000,000 in my bank account
::: kick Marilyn Manson in the balls! That would be unbelievably cool!!!
::: kill a chicken and eat it.........oh wait, already did that
::: finish all the paintings I started
::: see an angle (I'm dating one)
::: figure out God's plan for my life (main goal)
::: learn to juggle
::: feed a chicken chicken nuggets
::: feed a pig BBQ pork ribs
::: stop being such a perfectionist
::: learn to relax and trust God with EVERYTHING!!!!
::: follow my favorite bands around on tour
::: stare at the stars for hours
::: fire Bill Gates
::: drink three Rockstars in a hour
::: get better at drums
::: be in a band
::: see all of my friends happy
::: witness an erupting volcano
::: ride a bob sled
::: read the entire Bible
::: learn to speak my mind and not be afraid of what others will think
::: find out who I am
::: marry my prince
::: go to NY
::: build a tree house
::: become more humble
::: see the Northern Lights
::: be the friend my friends deserve
::: sleep out under the stars at the lake
::: take a hecca long road trip with my best friends
::: die of something exciting, not just old age
::: go cow tipping
::: have a big house with a jungle in the back yard
::: have two pet tigers
::: have a subway in my house
So I don't know if there's really 60 here, it just sounded like a good number. I'd count but.......I can't.
Me and the Greatest People You'll Ever Know!!!
The cutest little boy on the face of the earth!!!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !