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I am here for Friends

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4:::My name is Sarah:::
[X] I love God with all my heart.
[X] I strive to be like Jesus.
[X] I'm in love with my boyfriend, Greyson.
[X] I'm a freshman at Butte.
[X] I love anyone who makes me laugh.
[X] Life would be pointless without music.
[X] Sleep deprivation is my middle name.
[X] I HATE making descions.
[X] I finally got the guy of my dream.
[X] Pancakes make my tounge burn.
[X] I'm a Showbread addict.
[X] I cry when I see someone else cry.
[X] My heart jumps like a 3 year old on crack when I'm at a concert.
[X] My babe's the drumer for Standard Bearer.
[X] I don't eat vegetables.
[X] Seeing old people eat alone makes me really sad.
[X] Lonliness is my weakness.
[X] Myspace IS an addiction, no matter what they say.
[X] Sean and Derek rock the guitar.
[X] Procrastination is my way of life.
[X] I'm a perfectionist...I take my time.
[X] I use a ruler to underline things.
[X] Lindsay's awsome!!
[X] Greyson has the prettiest eyes!
[X] Animals make my heart smile.
[X] I love my friends more then anything else.
[X] I'm obsessed with chapstick.
[X] Black matches everything.
[X] I'm with the drummer.
[X] You don't need drugs to be DOPE.
[X] My cat makes me laugh.
[X] Greyson's mine....mine.....mine!!
[X] I love Gilmore Girls!!!
[X] I won't eat anything green.......unless it's green candy of course!!!
[X] I can blend a smoothie like nobodys business.
[X] I think apple and peanutbutter together taste good.
[X] I LOVE raw cookie dough and icecream.
[X] I dye my hair a lot.
[X] My room's never clean.
[X] I love to pierce my ears......I have 11 extra holes in my head.
[X] Redneck words make me giggle.
[X] My socks almost never match.
[X] My sister's a big part of my life.
[X] Fast blinkers bug the crap out of me.
[X] It's amazing how much a smile from you could change my day.
[X] A day with out praying makes me irritable.
[X] I tend to use my heart over my brain.
[X] Water has no taste.
[X] I love to laugh.
[X] Rockstars make breathing fun.
[X] I love driving barefoot.
[X] I live for scary movies!!
[X] School doesn't bother me.
[X] I don't eat a lot.
[X] I think I'd die without my iPod.
[X] I'd blend in with snow if I wore shorts.
[X] Seeing Greyson every morning makes getting up at 6:30 worth it.
[X] We have a fat cat.
[X] I love meeting new people.
[X] I'm deathy afraid of the Smurf race. Smurfs will come down from
Planet Creepy and kill us all!!
xXx 60 Things To Do Before I'm Dead xXx
::: save someones life
::: laugh until I cry
::: eat until I barf
::: see the world
::: help a cat give birth
::: bring someone to Christ
::: talk to a total stranger about Gods love
::: go to Scottland
::: hold my breath until I pass out (almost)
::: talk to Santa Clause
::: do a chinese fire drill in LA traffic
::: make a slinky go down a whole flight of stairs like on the commercials
::: fly a plane
::: see a UFO
::: get a tattoo (three stars behind my ear)
::: pierce my tongue
::: get married
::: have three kids
::: design my dream home and watch it go up
::: adopt a manatee
::: learn to square dance
::: learn to play guitar
::: be chased around my garden by a bear
::: learn how to pick a lock
::: have at least $1,000,000 in my bank account
::: kick Marilyn Manson in the balls! That would be unbelievably cool!!!
::: kill a chicken and eat it.........oh wait, already did that
::: finish all the paintings I started
::: see an angle (I'm dating one)
::: figure out God's plan for my life (main goal)
::: learn to juggle
::: feed a chicken chicken nuggets
::: feed a pig BBQ pork ribs
::: stop being such a perfectionist
::: learn to relax and trust God with EVERYTHING!!!!
::: follow my favorite bands around on tour
::: stare at the stars for hours
::: fire Bill Gates
::: drink three Rockstars in a hour
::: get better at drums
::: be in a band
::: see all of my friends happy
::: witness an erupting volcano
::: ride a bob sled
::: read the entire Bible
::: learn to speak my mind and not be afraid of what others will think
::: find out who I am
::: marry my prince
::: go to NY
::: build a tree house
::: become more humble
::: see the Northern Lights
::: be the friend my friends deserve
::: sleep out under the stars at the lake
::: take a hecca long road trip with my best friends
::: die of something exciting, not just old age
::: go cow tipping
::: have a big house with a jungle in the back yard
::: have two pet tigers
::: have a subway in my house
So I don't know if there's really 60 here, it just sounded like a good number. I'd count but.......I can't.
Me and the Greatest People You'll Ever Know!!!
The cutest little boy on the face of the earth!!!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

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My Blog

Kids Books You'll Never See

Kids Books You'll Never See "You Were an Accident" "How to Dress Sexy for Grownups" "Strangers Have the Best Candy" "Kathy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her" "Bi-Curious George" "The Little Sissy ...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 22:46:00 GMT

Words of Wisdom

Man must sit on a chair for a long time before roast duck flies in.
Posted by on Thu, 16 Jun 2005 22:46:00 GMT

pain lasts for a moment love lasts for forever

do this! if you read this, even if i don't speak to you often, post a memory of me. it can be anything you want, it can be good or bad just so long as it happened. then, post this to your journa...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Feb 2005 23:47:00 GMT