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About Me

Check out my website You need QuickTime to view the video files. I like weekend vacations and hanging out with friends and family. I really miss the beach, being land locked in Oklahoma. I grew up on Long Island, 5 minutes away from the beach. It was great, fun, and expensive. I guess that's why I am still stuck here in Oklahoma. My favorite vacation always has been relaxing on the beach with jet skies or a cruise. I hate racing around trying to see everything and do everything. Just give me the slow paced unplanned time where I can relax and have a great time just kickin' it. I actually got a job that I love and studied at college, video production, I just had to form my own production company to do it. It's a lot of fun trying to make it work. I wok on an ESPN show, ATV racing that airs 11am on ESPN2 Saturdays. Then the other projects I get are more ministry related. I like helping groups get their message out and help them make a difference in people's lives. For me the work that I do has to have some kind of eternal value. I just can't make TV shows to entertain the masses. I get myspace layouts at Get this layout

My Interests

Any live music event, sporting event, or something I can yell and cheer at. Barbarques, parties. I love my job, editing documentaries or sports videos or promos, shooting videos, interviews, photography. Love to travel and vacation with the fam, small groups, hot tubbing, laughing, working, mixing audio, sleeping, eating out.

I'd like to meet:

Old friends from college or high school. The Fanta girls. And any new interesting people.
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Aerosmith, The Black Crows, Gin Blossoms, Goo Goo Dolls, Foo Fighters, Bon Jovi, 80s glamour rock, Jessica Simpson music videos, Bad Paisley, Keith Urban, Derks Bently, George Strait, The Killers, Maroon 5, Jet, The Hero Factor when they used to do covers, U2, Steve Miller Band, Counting Crows, The Cure, David Crowder Band, Chris Tomlin, Desperation Band


24, Seinfeld, any college sport, Sports Center, MXC on Spike (the funniest show of all time), South Park


Besides the Bible, if I have to read somthing it's a software manual.


Jesus Christ