I am a large North American Wooly Mamailian of mixed Western European pedigree. I enjoy eating things that are slower than me. I've spent the vast majority of my life staring into a computer either for education, employment, or entertainment, which has left my mind numb and atrophied my social skills so that I must resort to adopting an all electronic-based extrovertion enterprise.
I was once in a very cool band which was suprisingly successful for a college band,
the Blackouts , in which I played bass and drove around the state.
I've lived in Rochester for the last decade, but now I live in Virginia and stare at my computer in an entirely new state.
You'll find this space riddled with bad puns. Please don't hate me, its a genetic contidion that I can't control. My parents gave me some faded genes.
I am now playing with the the ultra-cool prog/rock/metal band Encompass , which is beyond awesome. We are opening for Symphony X in August. Rockin'!
Well, the Symphony X show went well. At least we played well, and if you happen to be in the first group of 20 people to show up, you saw us. If not, there's always next time.That show was in August, so it shows you how often I update my profile :P I'm a lazy bastard.Also, I am quixoinsl, or whatever that mood is. I picked it because I'd never heard of it, with the thought that I'd look it up on dictionary.com, but as previously proved, I'm lazy. Knowing my luck it probably is latin for someone that sexually abuses aphids while wearing a clown outfit. Then PETA will be knocking on my door again.And Encompass is breaking up. Which sucks, becuase it was a fun time, and I really expanded as a musician (not just my waist size), and got to rock out with some great guys. But only for a year. What can you do?Jeez, its almost 2008.