I thought I summed this up earlier but I guess doing it again wont hurt. I'm really interested in cooking, reading and writing. I have hundreds of stories I've written that I've never finished becuase I procrastinate. Also, i love the classic authors like Shakespeare and Edgar Allen Poe. I think they're just demented enough to be interesting ^^ Hell, a little dementia never hurt anyone right? Anyway, as I said in one of the other blocks I love to cook although I'll probably live off of Top Ramen and lettuce in college. Oh yeah! I love anything complately random and pointless. Stuff like that makes my day ^.- If you don't understand what I mean, watch anything on .. or read a Roman Dirge comic. I like to see things like a panda rolling down a hill or someone finding a pink sponge in their mailbox. Think it's weird? Dont care, I like it ^.-.. width="425" height="350" ..
People? How the hell do you answer something like that? Lol, i guess just meet new friends. Everyone tells me myspace is the best thing since sliced bread and the invention of the television so I don't know much about this place. I want to meet new people as dorky as that sounds ^^; Look me up, im hard up for friends. Check it! I have a penguin and a tiger!! Yeah!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Yes! I love this section cause no one likes my kind of music! First off, I absolutely hate rap...sorry if that offends anyone but i hate it. I think it's mind-numbing and repetitive.My music probably wont appeal to many either but oh well. I love alternative rock like Linkin park, Evanesence, Korn, ACDC, Shinedown, Staind, Marilyn Manson, and Zug Island.It may be loud and irritating but at least it has a point. By the way, since when did laffy-taffy become the new slang term?
Ok, eveyone is going to think I'm such a dork but I absolutely love the Lord of the Rings trilogy. For me, that was like the Star Wars or Harry Potter highs that everyone got on, it was the only movie set that I completely freaked out over. Also, Transformers was one of the best movies I've seen in a looooonnnnggg time!! I'm a loser I know it but oh well. I have lots of favorite movies but I just can't think of all of them right now. I really like Monty Python though, that's just enough of the random pointlessness that I was talking about ^^.. width="425" height="350" ..
Ok, big dork! I love the show Numbers!! Agh! I cant get enough of it, I think it's awsome! I also love the show Scrubs and any CSI that comes on. Plus, I'm hooked on that show Surface, the one about the sea monsters. God thats cool! Oh yeah, and anything on Comedy Central is great. Dane Cook, Jim Bruer, Kevin James, Gabriel Inglesias and Christopher Titus are my favorite comedians ^^ Oh yeah, and anime rocks! i dont care what anyone says.. width="425" height="350" ..
God, where do I begin? I read manga (japanese comics) like a junkie. People ask me why and it's simple really. The stories are easy to follow and the art is good, how bout that? I love Mary Janice Davidson, Shakespeare, and Poe. I suck I know but they're really good authors, you should try sitting down and reading them one day ^.-
Batman. Superman is a pansy and should be shot in the face with a missile launcher. Sorry, I dont approve of the whole blue tights and big, overdramatic "S" thing...just a little gay. Now batman is hot. He, Wolverine and Spiderman have this sex-on-a-stick look to them that makes me want to ravish them in a dark alley ^^
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