So the "government name" is Aaron Anthony Martinez, but you can just call me "superman"lol.I'm Born and Raised in the "HMD" a.k.a. Hammond, IN. Im a freshman at Calumet College. I run track there and HOPEFULLY (cross your fingers everyone) they get a WRESTLING TEAM next year so i can be an All-American So you pretty much guessed it, and if you didn't your really slow. Yeah so wrestling is pretty much my life. Its my favorite sport/hobby. Its what i think about from the time i wake up until the time i go to bed (when im not thinking about I guess u could say its my best sport. Its what i put most of my dedication into. But enough about that. Im ALSO a pretty good DRUMMER. I can play pretty much any drum you put in front of me, but i specialize on the QUADS and DRUMSET. I play almost every sport known to man. I'm a pretty athletic person. Im 5'5 (5ft 5in for all u slow people lol) 140lbs (pounds again slow people lol). Try to stay in shape as much as possible. Im half MEXICAN (VIVA MEXICO) and half black a.k.a. african american (VIVA....???...AFRICA.....BLACKXICO???)lolololol. I'm a pretty cool fun loving guy if you ask most. I love to just hang out and be with my friends. Well now that i got that off my chest, lets move on. My major right now is COMPUTER TECH. I drive a pretty nice whip. Have a 2001 Dodge Durago. just bought it paid IN CASH because i got it like Last but not least i want to give 3 shout out's. The first one goes out to all my friends, ESPECIALLY the FAMOUSâ„¢ CREW. FAMOUSâ„¢ for life, because NO ONE does it like WE DO... WE THE BEST...WHO?? WE ARE!!! The next shout out is going to the FAMILY...Thanks for everything, your the greatest family i guy could ever want and have. Last BUT CERTAINLY not least, a HUGE HUGE HUGE shout out to my MOTHER a.k.a. MARIA D. MARTINEZ who PASSED AWAY November 19, 2004. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MOM AND HOPE I MAKE YOU PROUD IN LIFE. WE LOVE AND MISS YOU R.I.P. Well folks, i think that's about all I'm going to write. Any other info you want about me you can ask me yourself.
Yours Truly -Aaron Anthony a.k.a. "superman" Martinez- a.k.a. THAT FAMOUS LOOKIN BOY