I enjoy the following:
Hot babes who are proficient in slap boxing...
Recently- Mogwai, Broken Social Scene, Gregor Samsa, Blonde Redhead, Red Sparrows, Battles, TSOAF and BTBAM.
Recent Favorite- Closer
I watch Scrubs, The Office (US and UK), Entourage, Long Way Around/Down, Heroes, Stella, Band of Brothers, Family Guy, The Venture Bros, Sealab 2021 and ATHF on DVD though.
Currently- In Fact: The Best of Creative Nonfiction Edited by Lee Gutkind
Due to a short attention span and growing up in the consumable media age I don't read as many books as I should. I do like authors like Dave Eggers, John Fowles, Koushun Takami, Denis Johnson, David Sedaris, George Orwell and the like.
I read quite a few magazines on a regular basis. Monthlies like Subiesport, Sport Compact Car, Grassroots, Motorcyclist, Paste, Wired, Details and GQ.
Big Sis
^ Circa '94
And of course my Mom.