Welcome to ExtremeChairing.com Myspace section. ExtremeChairing.com ia a site and club created for all people who enjoy watching or participating in extreme sports. This site focuses on the new sport of Power Wheelchair Racing and Chairing, but there is also information on other extreme sports that are performed by wheelchair bound athletes found on EC. We are now looking for people to join this new growing web site. We are also looking for individuals interested in participating in or help support Power Wheelchair Racing.
The 2006 riding season for Power Wheelchair Racing & Chairing is coming to an end, but we are looking for people to join us for the 2007 season. Please show your interest and support and together we can change the future and revolutionize a new sport. If you would like more information or would like to join Extreme Chairing please contact us on our main web site at: http://www.ExtremeChairing.com
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