The Recs profile picture

The Recs

The End. Thank You To Everyone.

About Me

A review of Direction..."The Recs are producing great music that is fun to listen to. Looking at their photos, one might stereotype and think that this just a simple pop/punk band, but this isn't the case at all. Instead, they fit into the more up-tempo indie rock crowd that will make you want to get up and dance.Frontman Cody Nelson does a great job with the vocals on this disc. They are lighter and melodic while still maintaining a rough edge during choruses. A lot of groups sometimes have issues where the vocals clash with the instrumentals, but The Recs don't have to worry about this. Everything perfectly complements each other. There is one thing I would like to see the band do in the future though. On some tracks lead guitarist Sam Vicari provides some backing vocals, which are well done. Sam has a nice and lighter voice that complements Cody's, and I would like to see him do even more singing in the future (and I know he can do it, as he sang a song all on his own during a live performance).Instrumentals hearken back to a slightly earlier time. In this age of bands with cut and dry riffs and static songs, it is nice to see a group open to having a little fun. Drummer Ryan Welsh is often given the freedom to go nuts on several songs and display his talent. But even after some crazy fills or faster segments, he always knows how to go back to the other parts of the song and keep things together. This is also the case with the rest of the bands members; they are given their chance to solo and shine throughout, but know how to get back with the rest of the routine when needed. All of the songs are very upbeat and have nice groups to them, and that keeps everything more appealing.This release is quite nice. For the indie rock crowd, this would be a great band to check out if you're in the mood for a dance worthy album. The Recs know how to groove and have fun with their music, and they aren't afraid to do so. I look forward to seeing them continue in the future. "-Chris Dahlberg articletype=review

My Interests


Member Since: 10/27/2004
Band Members:
Influences: Jet, The Kinks, The Donnas, The Ramones, The Clash, The Who, The Yardbirds, Rush, etc. | Some of our Buds are Jeremy Williams, Suburbanite, Zeus Nine, and Fetla.
Sounds Like: Jet, and AC/DC
Type of Label: None

My Blog

What we are up to (part 2)-1/9/07

Today was my mom's birthday.  Happy 53rd Mrs. Vicari!!!!! Cody now collects imported beers. Eric's growing a beard. Ryan got a new car. I need a date.   xo sam...
Posted by The Recs on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:45:00 PST

WHAT WE ARE UP TO!!! 11/24/06

Hey Everyone!  This is Sam Vicari. Tonight I saw Eric and Cody for the first time since August.  It was really really REALLY good seeing them again.  So I'm not sure if people still loo...
Posted by The Recs on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 10:59:00 PST

Last studio day day 4 or 5

Okay I was working in the studio almost all day laying down vocals and effects and all this cool stuff that went into the cd.  Im happy to say that we are done and ryan nigh is mixing it as we sp...
Posted by The Recs on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 08:28:00 PST

studio log day 3

Another fun filled day of guitars. We got four more songs done today and most of sam's solos.  It's looking good we have to go in for more guitar work on sunday, new Years  and i have to sta...
Posted by The Recs on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 03:50:00 PST

studio day 2 log

Okay so Ryan layed down sume extra percussion and me and sam added our guitars to 4 of the tracks today.  Its starting to come together and you can really tell its going to be a good record. ...
Posted by The Recs on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 03:47:00 PST

studio log day 1

Hey guys, yesterday was our first studio time in a year. We are recording a 9 track album at Ryan Nigh's house. So far we have recorded 11 bass and drum tracks. We went from 10am to 5pm. Today walsh-m...
Posted by The Recs on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 03:37:00 PST

Posted by Sam-12/26

Hey Everybody!!!!! Hope everyone had a merry merry xmas!  We all did here in Recville.  (Do you like that?  I just made it up.)  Anywho, tomorrow morning we're gonna start recordin...
Posted by The Recs on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 10:32:00 PST

Star Plaza!!!! and Update.

Okay so as you all know by looking at our upcoming shows you see the word star plaza appear.  We will be playing there January 14th and we will start selling tickets to you guys Thursday Dec...
Posted by The Recs on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 06:09:00 PST

Sweet show last night!

Hey, we played an awesome halloween show last night. Thanks to all of our friends that came out and saw us. Some new pictures are posted from it. We hope to get back into the groove of playing again s...
Posted by The Recs on Sun, 30 Oct 2005 02:41:00 PST

Shirt ideas, sticker slogans, and everything else

Hey guys, we should be playing again soon. We are going to make new shirts, stickers, buttons, and pencils. But, we need some ideas. If you have any suggestions tell us, because we are making this stu...
Posted by The Recs on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 01:36:00 PST