Kyoko ~hokage of cat demon clan~ profile picture

Kyoko ~hokage of cat demon clan~

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

My adoptive father is †You Know Who I Am†! I don't have a mother, too many brothers and sisters to remember......^.^'
Things about me that you dont care about

Name Seline
Age 15
Birthday june 29
Hometown don't remember
Where you live Fallbrook
Eye Color hazel
Hair Color Med. brown
Height 5 foot 6 inch
Weight 145
Righty or Lefty both
Inny or Outty inny
Ethnicity i don't know
Worst Fear spiders sharks
Weakness foxes seth
Strengths seth beach forest.....
Goals Live life to the fullest
Soda diet coke
Food pizza
Car ....mustang
Actor/actress Angelina Jolie (the tomb raider)
Music Artist or Band m2m
Animal fox dog
Color silver
Song don't mess with my love
Movie Labyrinth
TV show way too many
Holiday Christmas birthday
Subject in school Science
Resturant/Fast Food ~blinks~um killer pizza from mars
Pizza Topping mushrooms
Book ......Good night kiss 1&2
Thing in your room Computer tv fan cat
This or That?
Chocolate or Vanilla both
Rock or Pop both
Pizza or Hotdog pizza
Ketchup or Mustard both
Apple or Orange both
Computer or TV both
Pencil or Pen both
Color or Black and White black
Skating or Biking skating
Beach or Mountains both
Naughty or Nice both for sure
Bright or Dark dark
Night or Day night
Late night or Early morning late night
Have you's?
Been in love yes
Smoke no
Drank yes
Been on TV no
Been in the News paper no buth my school has been
Do you's?
smoke no
drink no
play an instrument yes
think you're attractive no
have a crush on someone yes
think someone has a crush on you yes
have a best friend yes
draw on yourself yes
have a cell phone no
find yourself bored a lot yes
have a myspace yes
have AIM yes
have MSN yes
have a girlfriend/boyfriend yes
For a Guy/Girl
Hair don't care
Eyes don't care
Height don't care
Weight not to fat not to skinny
Style don't care
Random stuff
Do you have piercings yes
Do you have tattoos no
How many CD's do you own over 230
Are you popular no
Have you ever been arrested no.....does running away when your in 4th grade and being taken to the sheriff's office for your parents to get you count?
Are you tired of this survey YES
Did you like it so so
Are you done not yet
Ok your done!
Kuronue and you would rock each other's worlds.
What Yu Yu Hakusho Character would You be best friends with.
brought to you by QuizillaMy VIDEOS!!!

My Interests

How would your anime family look like? Princess Sakura
Name/ Usersname:
Favorite Color:

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


Fullmetal Alchemist: You as a State Alchemist by SilvernFalcon
Favorite alchemist?:
Favorite homunculus?:
Your alchemy element: Plant
Your alchemist name: Wind Alchemist
Roy Mustang...: ...Likes you better than Riza.
Edward Elric...: ...Wants to kiss you.
Scar...: ...Thinks you are a homunculus.
Envy...: ...Thinks Ed is overprotective of you.
Your alchemy success percentage:: 85%

Your rank: Colonel

.. width="425" height="350" ..Itachi is sooooooooooo cool.


Your Bleach Icons by CranberrySauce
What's your first name/nickname?
How old are you?
Your Ichigo Icon
Your Ishida Icon
Your Orihime Icon
Your Rukia Icon
Your Urahara Icon
Your Random Captain Icon
Your Random Vice Captain Icon

My Blog

My lifes a shitty piece of hell

everything is going wronge. So much pain in my house, my life may not be as bad as some people, but it's bad enough to make me want to die many times over.I know, you're most likely thinking "Oh she's...
Posted by Kyoko ~hokage of cat demon clan~ on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 10:36:00 PST


Posted by Kyoko ~hokage of cat demon clan~ on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 12:38:00 PST