JJJr. profile picture


Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men

About Me

G'day My name is Jon Jefferies, Im a privileged 23yr old living on the Gold coast and currently studying a Property & Sustainable Development degree at Bond Univesity. I've lived all my life on the Gold Coast but have also lived in the Highlands of Scotland for 5 months when I was 15, and a couple of years in Brisbane. Im passionate about the things that are important to me in life and love getting up every morning knowing that im living in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. I dont think the Gold Coast is perfect though. I hate the pretentious attitude that too many people have that live here. People today have lost touch with aspects of good values, and have become obsessed with material items that only fuels egotism. I believe you need 3 things in life to succeed: Respect, Money, Power... what order you put them in determines your values...So if you want to add me then feel free as i love meeting new people or if you feel you need to tell me how much of a wanker you think i am than thats cool to! haha .text { color:110000; font-size:10pt; font-family:Tahoma; font-

My Interests

Hanging with my mates, Travel, Surfing, Skurfing, Snowboarding, Boats, Surfboat Rowing, Boxing, Golf, Fishing

I'd like to meet:

A wise person once told me that you shouldnn't ever meet your heroes because 90% of the time they turn out to be a very different person to what you have as a mental image in your head. So i guess i would like to meet anyone who is inspirational and has a positive attitude in life. Anyone who can make me a better person for having them in my life.

img src="http://away.com/images/outside/200412/hamilton_3.jpg"


Pretty much anything by Australian Artists or anything that WOULDN'T have an 8 year old girl singing into her hairbrush!

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The Bull at Pipe!

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Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You?

Awe YAH!


The power of one, A short history of nearly everything and Autobiographies


Laird Hamiton Dave GrohlJimi Hendrix, Wayne Benett, Bruce Lee, Stephen Redgrave, Hirachim El Geurroug, Vic Hislop, Kostya Tyszu, Weary Dunlop