Music, movies, theatre, Facebook (because nobody uses Myspace anymore), too damn many video games, voice acting, stage acting, being disappointed, enjoying every sandwich.
Kurt Vonnegut (Can't now though, so it goes.), Frank Welker, David Hayter, Pete Townshend, and George W. Bush, so I can tell him how much of a jackass he is.
In no real order: Led Lepplin, U2, The Who and Pete Townsend, Warren Zevon, The Sex Pistols, Pearl Jam, Paul Simon, Smashing Pumpkins, and Wolfmother.
Carolito's Way (the first one with Al Pacino, not the crappy new one), Garden State, Spiderman, Spiderman 2, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins, Hellboy, Superman I,II, and Superman Returns, Die Hard, King Kong, Lord of the Rings (Aragorn is freakin' bad-ass), An American Tale (no joke, best animated film ever), 300, Scent of a Woman, and a whole lot more, a whole lot...
American Movie Classics, Independant Film Channel, and G4TV, CSI, 24, Frisky Dingo, and 12 oz. Mouse.
Breakfast of Champions (the best book that ever was, has been, and ever will be written), Slaughterhouse-Five, Tietam Brown, The Catcher and the Rye, Ferenheit 451... aw hell, I misspelled that, I mean Fahrenheit 451, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Also, for all inspiring actors, read "If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Acttor" by Bruce Campbell.
Kurt Vonnegut (R.I.P.), John Lennon, Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino, Pete Townshend, Christopher Reeve (because he's Superman, for Christ's sake!), David Hayter, and of course my loving mother and hard-ass father.