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My Life is Not for Rent

About Me

MySpace Countdown
For a diverse collection of Pop, Techno, Alternative, Punk and whatever, plug in your earphones and listen as you work or surf.
Everything is uncensored for your protection--including potty-mouthed Peaches, of course.
Myspace Survey...Tell All!
Name:: Bill
Birthplace:: Pittsburgh, PA
Current Location:: Atlanta, GA
Hair Color:: Brown
Eye Color:: Brown
Height:: 5'10"
Weight:: 145
Tatoos?:: No, hate 'em
Piercings?:: No, même chose
Overused Phrase:: Même chose
Bedtime:: 11:30 to ?
Best Physical Feature:: Legs -- run, run, run
Most Embarassing Moment:: Too many to count -- more candidates coming starting tomorrow
Most Missed Memory:: Jeri and Allison -- where are you guys?
First Thought When You Wake Up:: What day is it?
Weaknesses:: Wine, Women, and Song, probably in that order
Best Friends:: Pam, by far, & ...tima, who lives far, and that's about as far as it goes
Goal For The Year:: Carpe diem x 365
Greatest Fears:: Living in nursing home as a vegi
--This Or That--
Pepsi or Coke...: Diet Coke
McDonalds or Burger King...: Neither, Eat at Jo's
Hot Tea or Ice Tea...: Iced Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla...: Vanilla
Water or Milk...: Water
Coffee or Hot Chocolate...: Hot Chocolate
Hugs or Kisses...: Kisses
Cats or Dogs...: Dogs!!!!!!!!
Summer or Winter...: Winter
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies...: Both
Love or Money...: Love
Green Grapes or Purple Grapes...: Purple...made into wine
Perferred Eye Color:: Brown
Perferred Hair Color:: Brown
Short Hair or Long Hair...: Short
Perferred Height:: 5'4"
Perferred Weight:: 105
Looks or Personality...: Personality; remember Raquel Welch’s (supposed) comments on a woman’s brain.
Hot or Cute...: Cute (aka Mary Ann, not Ginger)
Skinny...Muscular...or Fat...: Skinny, but not too
Number:: 212
Food:: Bacon
Type of Music:: New Wave
Candy:: Valrhona chocolates
Color:: Blue (I'm red-green colour blind)
Animal:: Dogs, Dogs and Dogs
Drink:: Red Wine
Body Part on the Opposite Sex:: Breasts (is this two parts?)
Movie:: Too many to choose one
Pastime:: Wine and Song (Music), I had to give up the Woman part, save one. Fortunately she also enjoys the wine part.
--Have You Ever--
Drank?: Booze, right? Regularly
Smoked?: Yes, both, but looooooong ago. Very hard to balance the one that made you fat with the one that made you thin.
Been Beaten Up?: Yes, but not lately
Bullied Someone?: Nah, too scrawny
Skinny Dipped?: Yes, all of my childhood summer swimming lessons were conducted au naturale
Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: No, but along the same lines I played Mazola Oil Twister in graduate school – a much better game which puts old Windex bottles to good use; you win every time.
Toilet Papered Someone’s House?: No
Played Poker W/ Money?: Nah, Blackjack!!
Gone Swimming In A White T-Shirt?: No
Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried?: Yes, I got cured of that
Been Tickled So Bad That You Couldn’t Talk?: Yes, même chose
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt?: Yes
Went Camping?: Yes #1 activity for a decade
Used The Restroom On A Tree?: Yes, hard not to when camping.
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend?: No
Had A Crush On Your Friend's Brother/Sister?: Yes, Beth M.; I had all but forgotten about her
Walked In The Rain W/out An Umbrella?: Yes, never remember it.
Danced In The Rain?: No, and I don’t sing in it either. Boy that was shitty movie, too. They should have cast Fred Astaire instead of Gene Kelly
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: Yes, daily
Been On Stage?: Only to give lectures
Worn Clothes Your Mom Didn’t Approve Of?: Yes
Been To A Nude Beach?: Yes
Cursed In Church?: No, but farted quite loudly one Christmas during “Silent Night.”
Been Called A Whore/Slut For Kissing Someone?: No
Burnt Yourself?: Yes
Been Dumped?: Yes -- the price you have to pay to play
Dumped Someone?: Yes -- même chose
Been In Love?: Yes, and married
Been Hit On by Someone Too Old?: No
Wanted To Be A Model?: No, your career is over at 35
Wanted To Be In The Olympics?: Yes, Winter
Bought Lottery Tickets?: Yes, I even won a few bucks
Made Out In A Car?: Yes, mmmmmmm
Cried During A Movie?: All the time.
Wanted Something You Couldn’t Have?: Yes, I am not Bill Gates. Have you seen the price of First Growth Bordeaux this year!!
Made Love On The Beach?: No; sand IS a problem, folks.
Shoplifted?: Yes, I couldn't BUY that magazine
Seen Someone Shoplift?: Yes
Hung Up On Someone?: Well yes, can you say "tele-marketing"
Yelled At Your Pet?: Yes
Gotten Seasick?: No
Tried To Strip When Drunk?: Well, yes, oh course. I mean, what was the ‘getting drunk’ for?
Bought A Thong Cuz The Casier Was Hot?: No, I only wear black bikini.
Stalked Someone?: No
Had A Stalker?: No
Played A Prank On Someone And Scared Them?: Yes, but I forgot the details.
Been Embarrassed By Someone In Your Family?: Yes, me (see: Cursed in Church?, above).
Felt Bad About Eating Meat?: No
Protested?: No, excluding childhood bedtimes and eating peas.
Been To An Island?: Yes, love 'em (see: Been to a Nude Beach?, above).
Ate Cuz You Had Nothing Better To Do?: No, of course not, that’s what drinking is for
Screamed In A Library?: No
Made Out W/ A Stranger?: Yes, but I think that if "making out" has gone to the point where you are both have your tongues in the others’ mouth, then you are no longer "strangers."
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasn’t Single?: Yes, until I found out. A missed opportunity to be a crime victim.
Wished A Part Of You Was Different?: No, not since I figured out that that requires different DNA, a different sperm and egg combo. It would not be me; I wouldn't exist!
Talked To A Complete Stranger?: Yes -- I know no incomplete strangers
Been Sunburned So Bad You Blistered?: Yes (not related to: Been to a Nude Beach?, above)
Kicked A Guy In The Nuts?: No
Threw Up In School?: Yes, 4th grade
Received A Love Letter That Wasn’t Signed?: No
Wore Something You Hated?: Yes
Wore Something To Match Someone?: No
Been To A Luau?: No
Cursed In Front Of Your Parents?: Yes, that was back in the college days when you mastered using "fuck" as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction and interjection. They never said anything and I didn't ever think about doing it 'till years later.
Been On TV?: Yes
Been Outta The Country?: Yes
Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk?: Yes, and they also yell "Fuck you, runner" And then they throw eggs--and always miss.
Won A Pool Game?: Yes, but only when I played my 10 year old nephew.
Went To A Party Where You Were The Only Sober One?: Yes
Went To School/ Work Drunk?: No
Dieted?: Yes
Had An Eating Disorder?: No
Cheated On Your Other?: Define cheating. For Jimmy Carter lusting in your heart was, for Bill Clinton oral sex in the Oval Office was not. So what is it?
Been Cheated On?: Most likely, some where, some when.
Been Paid To Date Someone?: No
Dated Someone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You?: No
Tanned Topless?: Of course; I'm a guy.
Been Strip Searched?: No
Been On A Plane?: Yes
Been On A Cruise?: No -- oh my god why would anyone do that to themselves??????
Been Pantsed In Public?: No
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone?: No, even though Nikita threw one at me.
Broke Someone's Heart?: No, always leave friends if possible.
Sung In The Shower?: Yes, very badly
Bought Something Way To Expensive?: Yes, see wine comment, above.
Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself?: Yes, daily.
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: Yes
Been Walked In On While Showering?: Yes, but it can never be often enough.
Ran Out Of A Movie Theater Cuz You Got Scared?: No, but I walked out on “Raiders of the Lost Ark” because it was so fucking stupid. My first snob moment.
Been Kicked Out Of A Mall/ Store?: No
Been Kicked Out Of A GoCart Place Cuz You Wrecked The Go Cart?: No
Been In Detention?: No, not even at school.
Feel Off A Roof?: No, I do not get on roofs.
Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/ Someone?: No, how lame would that be?
Been In A Wreck?: Yes--and have been a wreck.
Wrecked So You Wouldn’t Hit An Animal?: No, but should have. A squished squirrel = no hide-the-salami that night, or the next night, or . . .
Made Yourself Puke So You Wouldn’t Have To Go To School?: No
Threatened Someone W/ A Water Gun?: No
Been Shot?: No
Had A Water Gun War?: No
Been Arrested?: No, except speeding tickets.
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: Yes, too many to count.
Country You Wanna Visit:: Czech Republic
Way You Wanna Die:: ZZZZZZZ-- gone
Like Thunderstorms?: Like, Yes.
Get Along W/ Your Parents?: Sorta
R U A Health Freak?: Not to the freak stage.
U Think Ur Attractive?: No—why do you think Bacchaus is my avatar?
Do You Believe In Yourself?: With lots of effort and a little help from my friends.
Wanna Get Married?: Already have.
Wanna Go To College?: Been there; done that.
Shower Daily?: Yes
Want Kids?: No
When Do U Wanna Lose Your Virginity?: Uh, that happened decades ago.
Do U Hate Anyone?: How do you define Hate?
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: Never tried; don’t like Starbursts.
Do You Think You Can Sing?: Absolutely Not!
Can You Open You Eyes Underwater?: Pool, yes; lake, no.
Eat Whatever And Not Worry?: No. (This wasn’t a sex question, right?)
Can You Whistle?: No, I am the only person I know who can not.
Can You Walk In High Heels?: No
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: No, I don’t sleep with anything on.
Do You Like Super Spicy Foods?: No, not even non-super spicy.
Can You Multitask?: Live it 24/7/365.
Touch Your Nose W/ Your Tongue?: No
Can You Fit In Your Locker?: No
Do You Spit?: No, except when technical tasting wine.
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke?: Yes
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would You Wish?: Infinite Power!!
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear?: Ralph Lauren Polo
What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?: Shampoo
What's Your Favorite Scent?: Red Wine
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?: Yes, if I could do it at 35.
My World View
According to some little quiz, which is actually rather well done and scary in its accuracy, or at least I think so.

You strongly reject traditional values.
Above everything else, you value honesty.
For you, morality and truth are one and the same.
You hate to be thought of as weak or insecure.
You abhor hypocrisy and have troubles with authority.
You are impulsive and somewhat unpredictable.
I Belong in Milan
According to another quiz; again the accuracy of this is scary, although this one is more aspiration than reality.

Stylish and sophisticated, you want to enjoy a truly European life - away from tourists!
Milan fits you perfectly. Great shopping, high quality food, lots of culture... with very little hype.
Get a Myspace contact table or Myspace layout at

My Interests

OK, most of the trollers to this site have had a chance to see Randy Pausch's “Final Lecture.” If not, put those proper nouns in You Tube and do so when you have an hour plus. This is much shorter but also goes to what education SHOULD be doing (guess what, that does not involve anything that leads to ‘bubbling up’ a multiple-choice answer sheet.)

While the presentation makes some predictions that are probabilistic (and it is very clear about this being a risky thing) most is current data or near current predictions of very high likelihood.

Many of you may have already seen this video. The first half is some basic statistical trends with which we are likely familiar. The ending sections, about education and what education needs to be doing for students today in the light of the nature of change, addresses dead on one aspect of what students regardless of major or interest should be taught constantly: critical thinking. This section starts about 6:40 into the film, so if the first part is a ‘been there, done that’ for you, then shift to that point for the rhetorical questions.

For those who do not know, this was developed by a high school group in Colorado in 2006, and then polished up in a 2.0 form last year (hence the 2007 data references). We will likely do the same at the start of the first class in strategic management starting in the Summer Semester 2008, until it becomes so ubiquitous people will already have seen it.

…which, if the implications of the firm are correct, will be the Fall Semester of 2008.

There is no dialog; the film is a bit over 8 minutes long


Giovanni Bellini and Titian
The Feast of the Gods, 1514/1529
Widener Collection

I'd like to meet:

Dido Armstrong.

Anabella Lewin,

Susanna Hoffs,

Hayley Mills,

Allison Scott,

Amelia Earhart
(c) Amilia Earhart Family

Jeri Bodi


First off, there is this awesome singer who goes by the name of Dido. . .

OK, Mandy Perkins does not get the background photo so here is her pic and a video of "Why" (with a bad word in it, kids). (Pause the music player, click on Mandy and it will play after the buffer is set (you may have to click again).) Perkins has her now-16-part documentary about her forth-coming 1st album up with many more songs on her MySpace blog site. Fantastic!



RENYA Here is a video of Renya, a singer/songwriter who also mixes an acoustic/indie sound with some insightful lyrics on life and relationships. Visit Renya's MySpace site by clicking on her photo right next to Dido in my friends list. If you even sorta like most of the music you hear on my Player then you will likely enjoy her work, too. Get there and look for her new EP!!
Get this video and more Renya songs at


Trip Hop (Bliss Bomb)
Techno Pop
New Wave (Bow Wow Wow)

The Bangals (1980s photo. Sorry, girls, this one just is SO New-Wave-girl-band-80s)

Punk, all the way to riot grrrl (Bikini Kill)

Alternative Rock (The Killers)

The Teenagers

The Teenagers' Homecoming
Dirty word (many times) caution
Two different (very different) views of the same relationship

Classical, Opera, Jazz i.e. there are only two types of music... good and bad.


Lost in Translation

The Teenagers take on Scarlett

Kill Bill,

The Philidelphia Story(original),

Pulp Fiction,

The Big Sleep/Chinatown,

A Clockwork Orange,

Diamonds are Forever,

Repo Man


Liquid Sky,

The Parent Trap (1963)


Sports, History, Science, Good old movies and challenging new ones, but usually nothing.


Anything by Thomas Hardy


Jeanne d'Arc
Winston Churchill
Amelia Earhart (c) Amelia Earhart Family

My Blog

Lost in Translation - Part One

I think that there are two things that are of interest to those who subscribe to this blog:  First, why, finally now, another entry? And, second, why is there no Dido in this one.  (The latt...
Posted by Bill on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:45:00 PST

Some Reflections on Parenting upon the Passing of William Armstrong

I moved on to writing this since Dido's father, William Armstrong, passed late last month.  I have not written anything except outlines for other items in months, so now jumping all over the plac...
Posted by Bill on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 05:44:00 PST

White Flag 1

(I am calling an audible. After fits and starts on my thoughts about White Flag I will break this up into two parts . . . at least. The first part, here, is my thoughts on the song as an unrequited lo...
Posted by Bill on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:26:00 PST

Increasing Choice and Strength in Women: Amelia Earhart to Dido

This is the second real entry in this blog.  The intention was to be more than a monthly essay thing, but the reality of my other life choices is that the 24 hour day is too short.   As...
Posted by Bill on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 07:26:00 PST

Rent or Buy I

It would be reasonable to assume that the subject of the first real entry in this blog would be reflections on Dido Andersons White Flag, given that that is what one hears when logging onto this page....
Posted by Bill on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:14:00 PST

Why I Started this Page and Where it Seems to be Going

OK, here is the boring basics.  I started my MySpace page in January of 2006 when my curiosity about the site required some emersion to find out a bit of what it is all about.  I do this a l...
Posted by Bill on Tue, 30 May 2006 05:50:00 PST