Are we ready to pronounce rural Oklahoma as the next Seattle ? Probably not. But it’s undeniable that there’s something going on there. Oklahoma is a crossroads for a nation that’s often called an ethnic melting pot. It’s a land that’s part West, part South, part desert, part plains, part city, part country, part rich, part poor, and everything in between.
Somewhere in the contrast was an aspiring guitarist/songwriter named Cody Clinton. He wasn’t rich, he wasn’t poor, he lived in the city, he lived in the country, he drank, he smoked, he quit, he loved, he lost, but most importantly he took it all in. Somewhere along the way, Cody found himself in a band called Analog and found moderate success on the local scene. From there he traveled on to a band called Pilot Project and found a place playing post-grunge (mostly inspired by Stone Temple Pilots, Tool, etc.). Pilot Project even received a major label record deal but the band fell apart as quickly as they ascended due to drugs, alcohol, Frank Stallone, and a video game called Everquest; and unfortunately their record deal was never fully realized. From there Cody rambled on and found himself playing in the Podank String Band, a successful blue grass outfit. After his stint in the blue grass touring circuit, it had been a long and winding road for Cody and he pretty much found himself at the end of his rope. It was at this crossroads, back in his home state of Oklahoma, that Cody finally allowed his experiences and influences to live up to their fullest potential. He swore off of drugs, alcohol, and anything else that kept his perception at anything less than its optimal best and he set out to make music that flowed from the beautiful contrast at the heart of any crossroads. When Cody stood up and dusted himself off, he happened to notice his very own brother standing in that same Oklahoma highway crossing.
There stood Josh Clinton, Cody's brother and former singer of Pilot Project, who’s travels took him to a very successful cover band called I Killed Kenny and then on to play in a national touring act known as Ultrafix. Josh and Cody had settled some long overdue grievances as both had grown both mentally and spiritually, and were ready to rejoin forces once again!
After talking, the two brothers soon realized that although they’d both traveled different roads, they were headed to the same place. They gathered up their experiences, their talents, and their instruments and they made a sound that defines them. It’s a little bit rock. It’s a little bit country. It’s boot rock. It’s country punk with a twist of British Invasion.
It’s Cody Clinton and the Bishops.
Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user