i truly believe life is too short and not sweet enough...i am a renegoddess who is mounted up, enjoyin the sometimes bumpy ride on this sojourn called life...an Afrikan woman existin and diggin the skin i'm in...an unconventionally simple and traditional sista...a loyal friend, but don't fuck with me or my fam...my ancestors ain't havin it...i am all or nothin...no grey areas...a straight shooter...shy, but no one ever believes this about me...probably because i love a good conversation n will talk to anyone about anything...i love hats, belts, handcrafted jewelry and shoes...believe style is innate and fashion is bought... associate smells with people...good smells, that is...lol...i love to learn...am intrigued by raw intelligence...it resonates within me...and is sexy as a mo fo...i find peace in solitude...love the sound of waves crashing against the shoreline...enjoy the moon, the sun and all the stars...used to believe stars were holes in the floor of heaven until i got enlightened and found heaven on earth...i aspire to love unconditionally...i love love...and chocolate..believe sexy is subtle...i communicate with my ancestors through beading...i need to run more...write more...need more focus in some areas...i am a writer in my soul...consistently n constantly focusing on manifesting the ideal money generating situation...i am 110% Afrikan woman...a mother to 2 of the most beautiful lil afrikan spirits...the daughter of my sheroe and hero...older sister to a sister i miss so much it hurts more now than it did then...and my sister and brother's younger sister...a bead artist...an arts aficionado...a health conscious, bomb azz cook...a dancer...an advocate for freedom and fighter from oppression for all Afrikan people...an avid reader and a dedicated student of this life...i am because we are and because we are, i am...
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