That Lively One profile picture

That Lively One

I am here for Friends

About Me

This is the section that you tell the people who already know you what you want them to know about you, or what you want them to perceive. So what do I want you to know about me that might not already stand out? I am very independent and have a hard time asking for help and if I do, I try to learn so I can do the task again but by myself. I daydream all the time. I count my stride when I run or walk. I am way too addicted to sodas, gotta work on that. My family means everything to me, as do my friends. I realize how incredibly lucky I am to even be literate, let alone have my own home, own my own car (the POS that it is), that I have a variety of food to choose from, I have a nice big bed all to myself, many people in the world will never be near as lucky as I am, yet I still want more. I guess I'm just an average American girl.
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes
Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

Money. Cleaning. Traveling. Myspace. Friends. Family.
MySpace Countdown Clocks

I'd like to meet:

Friendly people who can have a simple conversation. Out of famous people, I would have like to have met Ghandi.

Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
created with
You scored as Charlotte Lucas

While her decisions aren't what most women would make, Charlotte has many attractive qualities that are often overlooked. She is a minimalist in her looks and flirtations, which is sometimes refreshing in the midst of women on the prowl. She is content in most situations, and enjoys the company of her friends. She does, however, leave her life too much to chance, but it seems to suit her. As one of Lizzie Bennet's closest friends, she is obviously a desirable companion.

Charlotte Lucas


Jane Bennet


Elinor Dashwood


Elizabeth Bennet


Emma Woodhouse


Marianne Dashwood


Lady Catherine



Anything but rap.


When Harry Met Sally. Gone in 60 Seconds. Catch and Release.


Carnivale. Dead Like Me. Lost. Big Love.


I don't read...hardly at all.

My Blog

Stole some of these quizzes from a friend.

You Scored an A You got 10/10 questions correct. It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors. If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs. ...
Posted by That Lively One on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 08:40:00 PST

I need to find a home for a kitten...any takers?

I'm guessing Jo (that's his name) is about 2 years old.  He is an absolutely WONDERFUL cat.  He is so full of energy, yet he can be totally chill.  He is GREAT with kids.  I honest...
Posted by That Lively One on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 02:48:00 PST