uhh snowboarding is my life..i dream, sleep, eat, and breath snow and the mountain..but besides that you'll catch me playing paintball, partying, drinking, smoking, sleeping, hanging out with friends, the crazy kid in your chemistry class starting a fire on your teachers tie, going to movies, acting stupid, and really doing anything that has no point in life..
DeicidE, MorbiD AngeL, SiX FeeT UndeR, KataklysM, DeatH, CannibaL CorpsE, NapalM DeatH, VadeR, Goatwh0rE, OrigiN, ObituarY... ...CattlE DecapitatioN, VilE, CryptopsY, DyinG FetuS, ImmolatioN, MalevolenT CreatioN, ImpaleD NazarenE, IncantatioN, NilE, SuffocatioN, HatE EternaL, LamB OF GoD, ShadowS FalL, GravE, AmoN AmartH, AmorphiS, BlacK DahliA MurdeR, AT ThE GateS, SinisteR... ... DismembeR, BrujeriA... ... KillswitcH EngagE, IN FlameS, SoilworK, EntombeD, HypocrisY, VomitorY, VehemencE, GoD ForbiD, SkinlesS, MeshuggaH, AS I LaY DyinG, SlayeR, HatebreeD, PanterA, MetallicA, KreatoR, DownthesuN, DevildriveR, SworN EnemY, CarnaL ForgE, VitaL RemainS... Favorite Gadgets: ...CarcasS, MastodoN, AutopsY, G0rgasM, UnleasheD, SepulturA, DeadS OF FlesH, MorticiaN, BolT ThroweR, ExhumeD, DarkthronE... ...MachinE HeaD, SlipknoT, FeaR FactorY, DimmU BorgiR, CradlE OF FiltH, EmperoR, ImmortaL, RottinG ChrisT, CephaliC CarnagE... ... BleedinG ThrougH, PissinG RazorS, SuperjoinT RituaL, PiG Destroyer, CorporatioN 187, SoulflY, SamaeL, DestroyeR 666, SatyricoN, PoisoN ThE WelL, ConvergE, DecapitateD, ChimairA, TestamenT, IceD EartH, UneartH, ImpaleD, GorgutS, KrisiuN, BloodbatH...