..I was 10 years old when I got my first harmonica given to me. It was from my big brother. It was a small diatonic harp in the key of C, called a "Puck". I learned "Poor Boy Shuffle" on that thing, and from there... I have been learning, and learning. Although I had about a 20 year period where I figured I knew all there was to know about playing harp - I have come to find out that was wrong. There is a whole lot to learn about the ol' tin-sandwich.
Today's Feature "Newton's Psalm" - by Ric Ricker, who was kind enough to let me track on the tune. For other fine cuts, visit Sloppy Ely on the myspace music profile: Sloppy Ely
You can sample some more drunken playing on this myspace music profile: Nunya