Where I live Shows Who I am
Singing like Yves Montand, Talking with a wonderful south of france Accent, sponges (I love them all), Cleaning, Doing the dishes, Feeding my iron baby, adding a Z everywherzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Those who made that:
Radiohead, Christophe, Digitalism, Blur, The rapture, Flashen, Sophia, Mark eitzel, Concorde Music Club, Interpol, The Strokes, Morissey, Tiefscwharz, Wham, Mount Sims, Bjork, New Order, Gary Numan, Casiotone for the painfully alone, The Knife, Al Green, Julien Doré, Stevie Wonder,Ultra Orange & Emmanuelle, Smog, Tiga, Bloc Party, Delorean, Equipe 84,France Gall, The Chameleons, Gamine, Bjork, Gorillaz, Perry Blake, Justin TImberlake, Kasabian, Kim Wilde, Miss Kittin, Peter von Poehl, Pharell Williams, Shirley Bassey, Simian Mobile Disco, Angelo Badalamenti, Coldplay, Goldfrapp, Georges Michael, Kylie Minogue, Metric, Nina Simone, Maria Callas, Out Hud, Revl9n...
Sleuth by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Edward Scissorhands by Tim Burton
Stealing Beauty by Bernardo Bertolucci
Mysterious Skin by Gregg Araki
Suddenly last Summer by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Le Scaphandre et le Papillon by Julian Schnabel
Dexter, Lost, CSI (i love that show), Twin Peaks, Dream on, Desperate Housewives...
If I Were You by Julien Green, What a carve Up by Jonathan Coe, The Farewell valse by Milan Kundera, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy by Tim Burton, and All boris Vian