i like shit loads of stuff i wont bore u wiv all of it so heres a breif list:- movies, music, xbox, xbox games, xbox live, playing on my xbox, waitin for good xbox games 2 cum out, martial arts (got a black belt in taekwon-do so dont fuck wiv me) goin out (use to be all about gettin wasted but not any more, i like it more now tho) hangin out wiv mates oh did i mention the xbox? and beer u gotta have beer !
there are few ppl i really wanna meet, think i like the thorght of meetin new ppl every where i go and wiv everything i do, met a few ppl on xbox live who i consider good frends now, an i have met good frends through my life, met ppl who i dont wanna talk 2 ever again and ppl i allways wanna talk 2 like my girlfrend and my good frends mark, ash, stu and joff, suppose i woud really like 2 meet arnold Schwarzenegger, if i had 2 choose any one famous would like 2 ask him sum questions about his life.
my musical taste is all over the place think if any 1 was to look through my ipod thay woud find at least one song thay liked, any way short list:- crotchduster, static-x, metallica, nine inch nails, internal conflict, korn, slayer, systom of a down, the darkness ONLY JOKING i'de rather pour acid down my ears !!!, sole fly, and my taste als ocovers loads of other stuff like the killers, orson, the kooks, block party. jesus i could just keep going but i am bored now
spawn, underworld, dawn of the dead, land of the dead (well most zombie movies) all the childs play films thay make me piss myself haha an so does freddy got fingerd and team America world police. oh yeah and kung-fu films. i just love violent films ! watched apocalipto the other day that was a good film.
watch this trailer its for alien vs predator to and it looks the dogs bollox !!!!!!!!!! ppl who no me will no i carnt wait for this thing 2 cum out
aliens vs predator 2
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heroes, south park, futurama, family guy, american dad, farscape, stargate sg1, csi veagus(dont like miami i think haratio or wotever his name is a compleat twat) the sheild & 24 are my faves at the mo, still really like watchin the old cartoons aswell chek out this transformers vid i found, piss funny !
books hmmmm i perfer a good graphic novel like Spawn or aliens vs preadator stuff like that red a graphic novel directed by john woo resently called seven brothers, that was really good
hmm my hero its gotta b Arnold Schwarzenegger who els can beat up a predator defeat a liquid metal killing machine and have a baby himself !!!