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Up n Smoke is all I know !!

Up n Smoke is all i know

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Ringtone store powered by iSOUND.COMMystic Hen UP N SMOKE MEDIA/ UNS RECORDS
The Sound That AMP The Nation
Holloween Horror Nite
Enjoy! -- Uns records Up n smokeIt started the year 1990 in Memphis, Tennessee at, The Crystal Palace.(skating ring) a rap group named Eyers Road Possess was put together. The rappers contain young talent in the Westwood area in Memphis, on a street call Eyers Road.The Crystal Palace is one of the best spotted to get exposure if you were a young talented person. A member of the ERP Mystic Hen decided to chase a music dream, the only route Mystic Hen had at that time was to throw fund raiser parties at the skating center to showcase his talent at age 12.A few years went by quickly he joined Whitehaven High School Marching Band as a snare drummer, to help spice up his musical skills. Mystic hen was learning music at a more advanced level than your average music creator… years and years, shows, parades, practice and perfect practice.By May 20, 1995 the writer/rap artist was ready to take his music down a new route. Mystic Hen decided to form his own label Up N Smoke Entertainment. Hen then formed a rap group called UP N Smoke Mafia containing unsigned hungry talent in Memphis.The Up N Smoke Entertainment label was just an exposure label not big just for talent that wants to collab with their own camp and possible seek a record deal. Mystic Hen would make tracks and just write to them and practice no recording just practice to be perfect. Mystic Hen and Up N Smoke was just letting anybody that wanted to be down with him and was willing to follow him in the music industry.Now Mystic Hen has moved on to bigger things, such as being on the top of the charts on soundclick, myspace, podcast, and many, many others. Many performances around Atl, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Memphis. Look out for really big things with Mystic Hen and Up N Smoke -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CDBABY LINK for MYSTIC HEN: Mystic Hen Vol. 1 --

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-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CDBABY LINK for MYSTIC HEN: Mystic Hen Vol. 1 --


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