Dancing, Shopping, Spending Time with my friends and family, Having fun and enjoying life everyday... I like movies, plays, comedy clubs Im up for it all...
imikimi - Customize Your World
Pregnancy Survey
About You
Name?: Jessica
Age?: 22
Height?: 5'2
Pre-pregnancy weight?: Way to much from what I used to weigh....
About The Father
Name?: Sam
Age?: 32
Height?: 6'0
Are you still together?: Yes Married
About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
When did you find out you were pregnant?: May 30th
Was it planned?: Not Really
What was your first reaction?: Uhhhh..Not really sure..Awhole buch of stuff!
Who was with you when you found out?: My Sister and Alex
Who was the first person you told?: Besides who I was with My husband...
How did your parents react?: They Cant Wait....
How far along are you?: 14 Weeks
What was your first symptom?: Very Very Tired and Sick
What is your due date?: Jan 28th
Do you know the sex of the baby?: Not yet, waiting patiently
If so, what is it?: ....
Have you picked out names?: Yes
If so, what are they?: Sophia Elizabeth, and Adrian Joseph
How much weight have you gained?: Ive Lost Weight So Far....
Do you have stretch marks?: Well a couple from gaining weight before but no...
Have you felt the baby move?: Not really
Have you heard the heartbeat?: The doctor did last time it was really quiet....
About the birth
Will you keep the baby?: Ummm DUH
Home or hospital birth?: Hospital
Natural or medicated birth?: ??? I dont want an epidural....
Who will be in the delivery room with you?: My Sister and Husband
Will you breastfeed?: No
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: No my family has all been small babies...we'll see....
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: I dont know! Maybe
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: Hi Beautiful/Handsome
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: NO I dont think so Im gonna have a hard enough time having people in there....
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Both
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imikimi - Customize Your World
I love music I in a dance company the majority of my life so you cant have one without the other.... I LOVE hinder....PLain White Tees, Red Jumpsuit App., Three days grace, Nickleback, Finger Eleven, I could go on forever....
I LOVE movies I could watch them everynight....there are way to many to name, I really like American History X, Good Will Hunting, Crash, All the Saws and Final Destinations, and many more!
One Tree Hill, Army Wives, King Of Queens, Extreme Makeover...
My Sister is my hero, No matter what she goes through she is always strong and beautiful.....
imikimi - Customize Your World