A nice single woman who doesn't make me want to take a hostage, so I can make some babies. No hurries here. And while I'm listing my preferences, I'd prefer someone who is smarter than me, so she can keep me in check. * Steven Hawking cause I haven't had the time to read his books, but I'd wager he is interesting to talk to, if you can get past the voice thing. Sucks that he split with his wife. * Peter Jackson because he makes films the way I would if I had his talent, ideas and reputation. I want to watch King Kong again, partly to see Jack Black, and partly because of the deformed dinosaurs. PICK OF DESTINY!* Morgan Fairchild's agent because I despise her stupid Old Navy commercials. That person needed to be punched in the throat a long time ago. And I am a non-violent person. * A talking monkey, cause who wouldn't? Seriously. I can't wait until we can genetically modify animals to give them the genes necessary to develop speech... If you haven't, read the Uplift books by David Brin. Good stuff. * And finally, the makers of Enzyte - An All Natural Male Enhancement, which contains Yohimbe, a tree bark containing a variety of pharmacologically active chemicals. It is marketed in a number of products for body building and "enhanced male performance." Serious adverse effects, including renal failure, seizures and death, have been reported to FDA with products containing yohimbe and they are currently under investigation. And while I am at it, can we lump anyone who makes claims about non-FDA approved supplements into that wish list. I'd like to go all "Morgan Fairchild's agent" on them.