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About Me

Roma Caput Mundi...... I grew with the techno musique of mix dark industrial sounds years 90..they gave life to music of those years... How not talk about the mythical Lory D. with his first experimental roman's label "Sounds never seen"... and then continue with Leo Anibaldi...Andrea Benedetti, Marco Passarani.."Max Durante "and the D'Arcangelo"... the Italian scene of the techno and then outside of our borders the great Aphex Twin. Letteraly they fill up my knowledge with their masterpiece,thank to continue listening. In that period you could feel the future listening one of theyr tracks. thanks to exist....................................................... ............................................................ ..................Roma Caput Mundi....sono cresciuto con la techno musique degli anni 90 un misto di sonorità cupe ed industriali che caratterizzavano quel periodo....non posso non citare il mitico Lory D. il primo .....a creare un etichetta romana di musica sperimentale..SOUNDS NEVER SEEN...per passare poi a Leo Anibaldi..Andrea Benedetti,Marco Passarani..Max Durante e i fratelli D'Arcangelo.....Bochum welt..e in ambito extraitaliano Aphex Twin. "hanno letteralmente colmato la mia conoscenza con i loro capolavori grazie alla reiterazione dell'ascolto ...." in quel periodo il futuro lo si percepiva ascoltando una qualsiasi traccia di questi artisti.. grazie di esistere.........
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who have known that future ...the future is ours.....not there is more time you must choose from that it leave to be, you have 5 minutes to decide….the antisystem has been already activated.....

My Blog

FIAT 500 very special limited edition

Go to ImageShack&174; to Create your own SlideshowMy sweet 500 in a so important particular day.........
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 03:10:00 GMT

Romanità ........

..>..>..>..> ..> Romanita' Trilussa Un giorno una Signora forastiera,passanno còr maritosotto l'arco de Tito,vidde una Gatta neraspaparacchiata fra l' antichità.-Micia che fai?- je chiese: e je bu...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:14:00 GMT

my sweet fiat 500 f

Go to ImageShack® to Create your own Slideshow
Posted by on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 14:00:00 GMT


I wish you had have told me,how Tommy died.  I guess we should be carefull about the security involved  Freddy was brave and in his childhood  began ......... tks to JoJo for listen an...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:56:00 GMT

ANTISYSTEM.........Lory D. ( about the Fourth Dimension)

......we live in a three dimensional world and we can imagine a one or even two dimensional world . what we can't imagine but what we can PERCEIVE INWARDLY is ANOTHER DIMENSION  ( the fourth). We...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:19:00 GMT

...About Lory D. Dissonanze 2006 Roma

  Dopo svariati anni di completo abbandono dalla scena elettronica musicale ritorno con immensa gioia al Dissonanze ,partenza da Ostia verso le 21 e 30 entusiasmo esagerato....sarà cos...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 13:35:00 GMT