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I am here for Serious Relationships

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IyaaA! My name is sarah ! im 16 , live in leeds! I am tall , wit brown hairand a blonde fringe.Love going out n gettin wasted. My favourite thing to do is get wit all ma girls get dolled up n go into town on a nite out n find sum shithot lads :P:P I go to St marys in menston , and love a handfull of peeps from there !!spec ELLIEB , NAT.B , SOPHIE. S , ASHLEY . C , RACHEL . H, AICIA .B , LU AND FEW OTHERS.. I love playing sport to keep fit, abosultly adore watchin formula 1 , superbikes, gran prix , super trucks all the racing events. Yh may seena bit manly but ma daddy n i watch it togetha so bak off bitches!! I have met Michal shumacha n yes i shook his hand! Tht thing u are feeling now is called jealously :P GET OVA IT Although i still love Rossie and obv the legend Steve hislop!! Even doe he dead but will still be rembered mate!!Just fort i would make a special mention to the best mate natty.b !!! I have 1 thing to say to ya ...."WHO IS IT ?? " hahaha lmao !! you lot wont understand but thts coz your gay n had to be der. Ilove dis girl so much dunno wt i would do without her , u will not find any1 beta ! She der when i nned ger , there 4 a laugh she has been through more shit then any1 yet she still feel 4 ya when u have shitty problems !! LOVE U BBE DONT EVER CHANGE XXXXXAlso a special menstion to my little baby rachel. She is more then any1 could ever ask 4 love er wiv all my heart and if any1 ever hurt her , i really woul wipe the floor with them . LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE , DO ANYTHIN 4 YA (l)Could keep goiing but really cba so il leave it at this ! if ya wana know more add me onsarahstewart340@hotmail.com (if your not sumsort of stalking freck) :P:P[x][x][x][x] lv yaz [x][x][x][x]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

hmmmm i would like to meet jonny wikinson :P:P

My Blog


heyyaaa !!! everybody new pics frm class a st marys bluddd hahahahaahah love it m8 xxxxxxxx
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 07:24:00 GMT

find the error

1234567891011121314151617181920Did you know that 80% of UCSD studentscould not find the error above? Repostthis with the title ''Find the error",and when you click "Submit Post", theanswer will be rea...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 07:11:00 GMT