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My name is sarah ! im 16 , live in leeds!
I am tall , wit brown hairand a blonde fringe.Love going out n gettin wasted.
My favourite thing to do is get wit all ma girls get dolled up n go into town on a nite out n find sum shithot lads :P:P
I go to St marys in menston , and love a handfull of peeps from there !!spec ELLIEB , NAT.B , SOPHIE. S , ASHLEY . C , RACHEL . H, AICIA .B , LU AND FEW OTHERS..
I love playing sport to keep fit, abosultly adore watchin formula 1 , superbikes, gran prix , super trucks all the racing events. Yh may seena bit manly but ma daddy n i watch it togetha so bak off bitches!!
I have met Michal shumacha n yes i shook his hand! Tht thing u are feeling now is called jealously :P GET OVA IT
Although i still love Rossie and obv the legend Steve hislop!! Even doe he dead but will still be rembered mate!!Just fort i would make a special mention to the best mate natty.b !!!
I have 1 thing to say to ya ...."WHO IS IT ?? " hahaha lmao !!
you lot wont understand but thts coz your gay n had to be der. Ilove dis girl so much dunno wt i would do without her , u will not find any1 beta ! She der when i nned ger , there 4 a laugh she has been through more shit then any1 yet she still feel 4 ya when u have shitty problems !!
LOVE U BBE DONT EVER CHANGE XXXXXAlso a special menstion to my little baby rachel. She is more then any1 could ever ask 4 love er wiv all my heart and if any1 ever hurt her , i really woul wipe the floor with them .
LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE , DO ANYTHIN 4 YA (l)Could keep goiing but really cba so il leave it at this !
if ya wana know more add me (if your not sumsort of stalking freck) :P:P[x][x][x][x] lv yaz [x][x][x][x]