Darkcha profile picture


I will be stronger...to help you reach your dreams, Faster....to run the course of life with you, an

About Me

I am here to connect with the past, understand the present, and establish the future...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Black
Height:: Tall
Favorite Color:: Blue
Screen Name:: If you are reading this then you already know....
Favorite Band:: Jamiroquai!!
Favorite Movie:: The Fast and The Furious
Favorite Show:: Family Guy
Your Car:: Pontiac Grand Am
Your Hometown:: Montgomery Al
Your Present Town:: The Heights
Your Crushes First Name:: Hell if I know
Your Grade:: A+
Your Style:: Relaxed but Unique
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Yes
Kissed someone in the rain?: Nope
Danced in a public place?: Yep
Smiled for no reason?: Yep
Laughed so hard you cried?: Hell Yeah
Peed your pants after age 8?: Umm...No
Written a song?: Nope
Sang to someone for no reason?: Yes
Performed on a stage?: Yes Komic Sutra at the Funny Bone
Talked to someone you don't know?: All the time
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yes
Made out in a theatre?: Who hasnt?
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Yes
Been in love?: Yes.....
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Chris
Tell you, I love you?: Shannan
Kiss you?: You asking to much.....
Hug you?: Damn your Nosy
Tell you BYE?: Ashley
Write you a note?: Dont know.....
Take your photo?: Mrs Finley
Call your cell phone?: Ashley
Buy you something?: No one(Cheap Bastards)
Go with you to the movies?: Chris and Tasha(300 was awesome!!!)
Sing to you?: ????
Write a poem about you?: Yeah right
Text message you?: Ashley
Touch you?: Shannan
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Yesterday
Time you cried?: 1996
Movie you watched?: 300(Go see it twice...its that good!!!)
Joke you told?: A funny one
Song you've sang?: Runaway by Jamiroquai
Time you've looked at the clock?: 2:37pm
Drink you've had?: Milk...does a body good
Number you've dialed?: None of yo bidnez
Book you've read?: The Good Book
Food you've eaten?: Waffles
Flavor of gum chewed?: Spearmint
Shoes you've worn?: New Balance
Store you've been in?: Wal Mart
Thing you've said?: Huh?
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Yes
Whistle?: Yes
Blow a bubble?: Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Yep ask your girlfriend......Just kidding!!!
Cross your eyes?: No dont want them to get stuck that way!!!
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Not yet
Dance?: Yes
Gleek?: WTF???
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yep
Speak a different language?: La
Impersonate someone?: Yes
Prank call people?: All the time
Make a card pyramid?: Been a while but yeah
Cook anything?: Like a pro...My shishkabobs will make slap your momma!!!
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: oscar meyer weiner?
I wish ...: I could move stuff with my mind
So many people don't know that ...: and it will stay like that
I am ...: Kratos...the Ghost of Sparta!!!
My heart is ...: Well guarded....
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My Interests

Weightlifting, Reading, Video games, Cooking, Eating, and meeting new people.

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


Jamiroquai, Daft Punk, Boney James, The Rapture, Ludacris, and to many others to name....


Dance Dance Revolution DDR guy with 1 leg dances

1 legged DDR contestant. Very cool.Any of the Fast And the Furious movies and any movie based on comic books.(They did an awesome job on V for Vendetta!)


Dont watch it all that much.....


Anything by Francis Ray, Brenda Jackson, Donnal Hill, or Zane.


Jesus Christ, My Mom and Dad and My brother

My Blog

Whats going on......

Well where do I begin....Im glad that my brother is back from Iraq and that he is ok.....Im close to graduating and starting the next phase of my life....thinking about getting a new car eventually bu...
Posted by Darkcha on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 03:00:00 PST