History of base storylines such as Eden, Nephilim, Flood, Fall of Man, Tower of Babel, AtlantisHeirarchy of Secret SocietiesEverquest Raiding and my guild, Keeper of the Night (planning on coming out of retirement this Fall)Bestowing Wisdom onto young children, expanding thier minds at an early age, especially my daughter
Brandi... that's it
My boy Anxya-D, my friend Poverty, Techno, Sublime, Nirvana, Doors, and tons of other stuff
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Can't wait for Stephen King's Dark Tower Series to make video, Hostel, Pulp Fiction, Matrix, Casino, Heat, , The Island, Ultra Violet
Fuck TV, Everquest ftw! 733T!!!Did I mention Ding 75 ?
SonPlacing , Two Babylons , Secret Teachings of all Ages , The Biggest Secret , Divine Plan of the Ages , Creation's Jubilee and anything else by Dr. Stephen Jones
Seminars by Dr. Hovind: Evolution vs. Creation
Robert DeNiro, Paul the writer of Romans, my Mom, and the makers of these types of videos to educate the sheeple.
Bush: I am, you know, amazed that this is a society which so wants to be free that they're willing to — you know, that there's a level of violence that they tolerate.