I Have A WONDERFUL Boyfriend, Jeff, Hes the love of my life, I hope to have a Marrieg like My mom and dad, they have been together sence the 8th gread, and i Hope that I've found that with Jeff.
I only have a Hand Full of people that I TRULE call my Frineds.
Jeff-My Loveing Boyfreind, I love you Babe You have Changed my Life so Much.Thank you.
Tricia-Chick your awsome you always know how to make me Laugh and I Love You
Amy-Your Shuch a Girly Girl and I love that about you.
Jessica-High School would have not been the same with out you.
Lace-your such a Great Friend and Hope that you have a Great life.
Kori-I wish we can Hangout alot more, we were bestfriends and did alot together Love ya! dead bones!
Joe-You will always Be in my heart wether you want to be or not, you were a BIG part of my life and I still Coceter you a Good friend, even if you don't.
Geneva-We have known eachother sence the 3rd grade, I Love You and I Miss you very much.
Max-R.I.P you were always there when i needed someone to talk to, and I'm glad that you were in My Life, even for a Shourt time. *muah* I had fun sweetie.
Charliy-R.I.P You were a Big bro to me, and I love you so Much, im gald that i got to see you a few summers back. I Love You AND I miss you.
Derick-R.I.P everytime I Eat Ice Cream I'll think of you, I miss you i love you!.
Sarah-R.I.P I didn't know you all that well but you were such a good friend..its a shame that you had to leave us..I Love you.
PAT- R.I.P Thanks for sticking up for me, No one would have if you didn't im sorry that i Yelled at you for it, you were Just looking you for "your Girl" Love You.