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Happy Agnostic

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution." -Thomas Jefferson
"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." -James Madison
"Patriotism is not obedience to government, but obedience to the principles for which government is supposed to stand." — H. Zinn
Thomas Paine
When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.
Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad; but the greatest part of mankind float between vice and virtue.
Who am I? Are you sure you want to know? If somebody told you I was your average, ordinary guy without a care in the world, somebody lied.
I love my America very much. I believe I live in the greatest country in the world, or that the world has ever seen. I am proud to be a citizen. I believe strongly in our constitution and understand deeply the challenges of modern life in exercising those principles embedded within our Constitution. I also deeply believe in the limited government, established to secure inalienable rights (Bill of Rights) and to secure our liberties to own property and to live as we see fit while being responsible for our actions. As American citizens, it is our responsibility and duty to make sure and hold accountable our government to those founding principles. When modern politics becomes challenging, as it relates to government, the Constitution establishes the amendment clause in article V to follow for such needed changes, provided that those amendments continue the intention of limited government and individual liberty. This has not been the case, i.e. 14th & 16th amendments. American government simply does what it wants to, shunning the limitations founded within the Constitution and this tyranny has spit in the face of the men and women who have sacrified their lives for freedom as it is established in the intention of our founding. Office holders have evaded their oaths and have done as they pleased, all in the name of security over freedom. Well now we see what is happening. Greed for riches, power and namesake have hijacked our founding principles. If the Constitution defines what and how government will work in America and that government chooses not to abide by those restrictions, then it is no longer American government, but has become a foreign foe. Now the people must rise up and change it, or lose everything. Our Government's response to true patriotism is that we are radically ignorant of what is really going on and that we are mentally unstable while only doing harm to our country's efforts. Don't believe this for a second. Educate yourself and learn what being an American citizen truly is about. Study the founding, the documents, the arguments, the histories, all of it. Then compare and contrast to today. You will be shaken.
Life is a journey. We are who we are based upon the relationships we are in. Ideas like morality, truth, meaning and purpose are subjective and are social conventions dependant upon language and who is in power.
The understanding that god consciousness, or the creation of religious dogma, is a stage within the scope of human evolution in no way nullifies the fact that such a god consciousness is necessary for establishing ethical behavior. The negation of proof for an external source for our morality proves in and of itself that our ethical perspectives are merely subjective.
I agree with Protagarus, that mankind is the measure of all things. That is, the world we live in and everything we come to experience in it, is the product of our own mental machinary. The challenge is to get beyond it, to think for yourself and to understand that language is not a genuine representation of the world. So if life is not good for you, change it. Part of the meaning of life for me is to continually recreate myself.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

David Hume
The wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence. Be a philosopher, but amid all your philosophy, be still a man.

Frederick Nietzsche
The surest way to corrupt the youth is to instruct him or her to hold in higher esteem those who think alike rather than of those who think differently.

I'd also like to meet people who are fun and open minded, who seek to live and let live and will always question authority. People who think for themselves. People with a perspective that goes beyond ordinary consciousness. People who are intelligent and can handle in depth conversation without letting sentiments dictate its course. People who are multi-culturally minded, who respect the opposite perspective and can embrace it for the sake of peace, without sacrificing one's own view.

Common Sense

The Farm

My Blog

Seat Belt Law

Why do we have seat belt laws? If you think it's because our government wants to keep us safe, think again. I have never written a seat belt ticket. The notion that cops should enforce any law ...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 13:46:00 GMT

The Sheriff has More Power than the President

THE SHERIFF - MORE POWER THAN THE PRESIDENT  by Alan StangMarch 20, 2009 For many years, the peoples attention in the Battle for America has been directed toward the federal government and its office...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jun 2009 12:04:00 GMT

New Anti-Gun bills flooding Congress

http://www.opencongress.or..g/bill/111-h45/textFrom the beginning the Federal Government has relentlessly circumvented constitutional restrictions by bending the Commerce Clause within the constitutio...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 08:04:00 GMT

Why a Marriage license?

What is the Marriage License for?What are the general and statutory implications of the marriage license? Marriage licensing is pretty much the same in all the other states -- but there are few differ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Jan 2009 07:44:00 GMT

Making Use of Theological Views on the Idea of God

I dug this short but sweet paper up while going through some old school work. While a student at the Reformed Theological Seminary In Charlotte NC as a Masters student, which I dropped out of, this qu...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Dec 2008 13:32:00 GMT


The mental caliber or genius that the founding fathers possessed ceases to exist and has not existed since the founding of our United States of America and our Constitution. Following their wisdom, on...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 09:24:00 GMT

Legislative Tyranny

Legislative tyranny has bullied this country into thinking that right and wrong are determined by what is legal and illegal. "Might makes right" nullifies any standard of ethics. Yet this has been the...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 06:34:00 GMT

How does a Libertarian Think?

How does a Libertarian Think?Libertarianism is a political philosophy that holds that a person should be free to do whatever he wants in life, as long as his conduct is peaceful. Thus, as long a perso...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 18:22:00 GMT

Vitamins Will become Illegal!!

United States to implement the WTO Codex Alimentarius Laws, as a result all organic food, vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements become illegal December 2009.January of 2010 when you go to you...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 21:53:00 GMT

Oaths of Office

How do people who take oaths of office, to follow, defend and PRESERVE the US Constitution within their duty, reconcile the continuation of the growth of big government when the intention of the Const...
Posted by on Wed, 28 May 2008 05:55:00 GMT