music generally owns. ive given up on huge lists of bands i listen to, its not worth it. if you know me you will know i listen to everything. i dont do trance. the soundtrack to my life is the perfect mixtape
true romance owns. full stop.
films are fantastic. i love watching new films, re-living old ones, making films, and having film related adventures. i love serious films as well as silly ones, foreign as well as hollywood or british, chick flicks, cartoons, cult fims, musicals, gory violent ones, ones that make me cry, ones that make me think, I love them all. and star wars is the best ever.
Jeremy Kyle
Hogan Knows Best
Deadliest Catch
I would be lost without books to read. Books are medicine.
A million little pieces
The Time Travellers Wife
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Lovely Bones
My Friend Leonard
Harry Potter ♥
The list goes on and on and on
My friends mean the world to me. We may not all exist in the same place anymore but theres so many people I need to thank for making me who I am and who I will never forget. I cant list you all.
Alice Your my number one, what is it 8 years now? I love you to the sky and back and every day it makes me smile to know that im going to know you for the rest of my life. I love the way we always know what the other is thinking and the way that im part of your family just as you are mine. I love that you drink vodka and cry and tell me the truth.
Matt My best friend, I can have two cos your a boy and Alice is a girl. You know everything about me and I honestly feel I can tell you anything. Im so thankful that you can tell me the truth about things and have opened my eyes up to so many things that I was blind to. I love that you know every song on magic fm and could probably win large amounts of money that I know you would spend too quickly on us going out, because thats how we roll. Im proud of you and the things you have done of late.
Nush My hero. I dont think I can describe to you how much I look up to you and the things you have done. You make me so proud and everyday I think of you and it makes me smile because I think of our times eating hummus and drinking whiskey, I love that we watched eachother grow up and become different people yet have always stayed so close. One day when we are old I will watch over you as you raise your hippy kids and you can come over and teach my terrors yoga. I love you. Forever.
Hannah Whilst we have not always been so close you will always be part and parcel of my teenage years. Marylebone Crew fo life y'all. Thanks for being so honest and open and for dealing with me when I have not been such a good person. Thanks for an amazing trip to france and thanks for gettin me off my arse and into a job in the tup, even if it did go downhill in the end. You have such a big heart and so many friends, im just so glad I can really call you one of mine. Love
Laura My beast. What more is there to say? We made the loser, relativley cool kid transformation together. I will never forget our old days and cherish all our few and far between new days too. I wish I could see you more often but im so happy because I know how well you are doing, I love looking at you and enrique and watching how happy he has made you. I love that you have so many morals and will never forget you shouting at women on the bus in fur coats.