Interesting people, Puppies, kitties, (update: I got a new puppy and a new kitten, woohoo!) the guy who invented yodeling, and the true Jesus Christ, Jeshua ben Joseph. For details see: Deep Deceptions, Volume Two - The Hidden Years, How Jesus Became a Christ, by Miceal Ledwith (on dvd. See See also the compilation of the Tibetan Scrolls located in Hemis Monastery, 20 miles from Leh, the capitol of Ladakh. The scrolls on the life of Christ were compiled by the monastary's Abbot, nicknamed the "Issa Scrolls" (Jesus is known as St. Issa, the greatest of teachers, in India) and published in 1894 by a Russian Aristocrat named Nicolas Notovitch. The book is called "The Unknown Life of Jesus" (See Swami Abhedananda--diciple of Ramakrishna--who in 1922 traveled to Hemis with the intention of refuting the authenticity of Notovitch's work, was shown the "Saint Issa Scrolls", had them translated into the Bengali language and published them. Elizabeth Claire Prophet had that work translated into English. For further reference, see the aforementioned DVD. I also suggest the Jeshua Letters and the "Way of" material, channeled through John Marc Hammer (Jayem) as reading material having to do with Christ's true message and his teachings on the deepest level available, other than direct transmission and Awakening, which the teachings are designed to bring about for those who would have it..."Let He who is without sin cast the first stone." [Artwork by Liz Lemon Swindle -]