welcome to my page!! my names megan im 18 and for those of you know that know me you already kow what im like, whether thas a good thing or not!! i was born and raised in the good old town of south woodham, oh so privelidged ;) i love my mates, id do anything for em!! and i love having fun n laughing, it keeps me young n happy haha! and most people will also know that i love my ravin, yes yes!! me n the girls try n go as much as we can (u may even see us on a few dvd's haha) the atmosphere's amazin and iv met so many quality people thru random ravin, so ya eva see me out n about come introduce!! have to giv a mention to inno in the sun aswell, it was sick, cant wait for inno in the dam!! my life aint as good as it could be but im doin my best to change that and by the time im 30 il be livin in the sun enjoyin every day! things that have kept me goin over the years are not to let any1 put u down, forget the shit stuff and remember the good and never let dicheads hurt you!!! anyways thas basically me so enjoy my pics n friends! laters xxx
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