1.TRAVEL- A total cliche, I know, but the truth is that I have been super lucky to have already visited so so many countries and continents and I just want to see more and more. Plus I have family in so many places around the world and European citizenship so I want to make the most of it and play in the heat and the culture and the accents.
2.PERFORM- All the songs that I've written and hidden away or played to myself over and over again but always been too shy to show to anyone apart from Ella and a few lucky others. I don't even care if I was being paid I just want to sing and play and sweat under the lights.
3.MAKE- A lot of money.. and fuck off everyone who says they only want to be happy.. I want to be happy too but I'd also like to be comfortable and be able to eat out whenever I like and drink champagne and buy nice clothes when i see them, get my hair done whenever I want and buy shoes. lots of shoes.. and travel of course! (bleh)
4.LIVE-In the Mediterranean and stay really well fed and drunk for the enitre time and not care. I want to drive a Vespa and play with the village children and have a boyfriend that paints glorious pictured of me while I sleep.
5.OWN-My own beautiful dog.
6.MAKE-A small child happy for at least a small moment every day for the rest of my life.
7.SPEND- A lot of money on a boat and other frivolous things and not care and just have an amazing time even if I bummed out later from bankruptcy.
8.BECOME-A nudist.
9.GIVE- My time to charity at least once a week.
10. BE- Truly ruly happy and make peace with everything that still bothers me when I let my mind wander,AND get good wine, fine dark chocolate, juicy cherries, shiny diamonds and fanTASTIC sex on an extremely regular basis.
I am one part confused,one part annoying,two parts music,one part blank and several parts love.
My boyfriend Charlie is wonderful and makes me happy especially when I wake up scared in the night and he kisses me even though I woke him up for no reason. I love my friends... I love to read. ummm yep. Sneak to my lips and kiss me ..and don't try so hard... I only want to be happy.