I am the quintessential, all-American bigot, part of the "old guard" who failed to recognize the "melting pot" mentality of the modern world. I am befuddled and annoyed by anyone and everything that doesn't share my view of the world.
Brash, uneducated, blue-collar worker, and my small thinking doesn't win me a lot of friends. My problems mostly stem from the changing values around me, and I consequently spend as much time with my foot in my mouth as one of my beloved cigars.
I make my living on the docks as a foreman, and drive a cab on the side for extra money. I also bought my favorite bar, Kelcy's, and renamed it Archie Bunker's Place.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
I got a lotta best friends. Some o' them I don't even hardly know!