i ShEd TeArS CuZ iM ToLD ThAt ThEy HeAL profile picture

i ShEd TeArS CuZ iM ToLD ThAt ThEy HeAL

I am here for Friends

About Me

There really isn't that much to say about me...other than I like to have fun... people say that im a bitch but I say i just tell the truth, you'll eventually get over it... Unless your EMO!!! LOL... but i love carrie she is my bestest friend and we have had soo many good timez together...CAKE!!! haha... Love, Tamila ---*???My Unknown Talent???*--- Ladies and Gentlemen wanna hear the reall story bout 2 little gurls growin up around drugs and forties? Comin' home 2 ppl doin cocain thinkin there money which is there love it cant cause no pain till they see there family takin a train dive not knowin if they are dead or alive but nothin changed to them its all the same to them just rearanged in to many ways and thats the life they lived everyday there skies were grey always prayin 4 ppl 2 change there ways but to them its all a big gaze while they sit back lightin up that purple haze but you better recegnize the 2 gurls in disguise with there evil eyes checkin 4 guys on the street actin all sweet tryin 2 get that money not listenin 2 ppl tellin em "its not worth it honey" ppl wonder how some1 can stoop that low but theyve never had to take that kinda blow theyve always had a dad theyve never had 2 live the life that we have yea see this is a true story this is the kinda shit that you see on muary our lives are like some unstable beems all we got is our dreams yea i know your proboly think "man there only 15".. By: Me...Tamila
What Makes You.. by SheBangs12
Your name?
Your gender?
What makes you sexy? Your hair
What makes you pretty? Your figure
What makes you loveable? How dorky you are
What makes you fun? Your love for everything
What makes you irresistable? Your flirtatious nature
What makes you cute? How you kiss/hug
ThE MoSt AmAziNg QuOtE i'Ve EvEr HeArD!! "Why be beautiful, why be whole when I can burn myself and sell my soul?" ~N~

My Interests

Name: TaMiLa
Birthdate: 06-01-91
Birthplace: P.A.
Current Location: T-BuRg!!
Eye Color: bLuE
Hair Color: bLoNdE
Height: 6'6"
Weight: haha
Piercings: 7
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: hAhA GooD QuEsTiOn
Overused Phraze: WoW
Food: a LoT
Candy: GuMMiE BeArS
Number: 13
Color: GrEEn
Animal: GaNjA
Drink: Dr.PePPeR
Body Part on Opposite sex: EyEz
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: PePsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDoNaLdS
Strawberry or Watermelon: StrAwBeRRy
Hot tea or Ice tea: HoTT
Chocolate or Vanilla VaNiLLa
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: iCeD CoFFee
Kiss or Hug: BoTh
Dog or Cat: DoG
Summer or Winter: SuMMeR!!!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: ScArY
Love or Money: LoVe
Bedtime: WhEnEvEr
Most Missed Memory: LaSt SuMMeR 06'
Best phyiscal feature: EyEz?
First Thought Waking Up: Nooooo
Goal for this year: iDeFk
Best Friends: hahaha
Fears: cLoWns aNd LaDy BuGs
Longest relationship: 2 1/2 YeArs
Ever been Drunk: YeAh
Ever been beaten up: YeAh
Ever beaten someone up: YeaH
Ever Skinny Dipped: YeAh
Favorite Eye Color: BluE
Favorite Hair Color: LiGhT bRoWn - DaRk bLoNdE
Short or Long: ShoRt
Height: iDk
Style: WhAtEvEr LooKs GooD
Looks or Personality: SeXii AnD SwEEt
Number of Regrets in the Past: WoW
What country do you want to Visit: iDk a LoT
How do you want to Die: a CaR CrAsH
Do you like Thunderstorms: YeAh
Get along with your Parents: MoM
Health Freak: HaHa nO
Believe in Yourself: MoSt Of ThE TiMe
Want to go to College: No
Shower Daily: YeAh
Been in Love: YeAh
Do you Sing: YeAh
Want to get Married: YaH wHen iM oLd
Do you want Children: YeAh
Have your future kids names planned out: aLmOsT
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: hAhA
Hate anyone: HaTes a StRoNg WoRd



I hAtE gIrls thAt wEAr AbErcrOmbIE And fItch O yEAh prEps mAkE mE sIck I lUAph sO hArd whEn I sEE thOsE prEps OUt In pUblIc Oh I lOvE It...

My Blog

SHiT You PiCK uP WHeN You HaNG W/ KooL PPLe

1. iM PiiiiiSSeD!!!! 2. iM NiiiCe!!! 3. aiR FiVe!!! 4. ToNY HaWK PRo SKaTe.....uNDeRGRouND 5. PaCK iT uP!!! 6. SMoKe a BoWL DuDe!!!? 7. BuST a SMoKe? 8. SuPa MaD!!! 9. WHaT You KNoW!?!? 10. TaMeRa!!! ...
Posted by i ShEd TeArS CuZ iM ToLD ThAt ThEy HeAL on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 09:53:00 PST

Bored as all hell!!!

This is what happens when Tamila gets bored!!!>                           &nb...
Posted by i ShEd TeArS CuZ iM ToLD ThAt ThEy HeAL on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 08:16:00 PST