..::..oXOXo..::.. profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Massive Myspace Layouts collection from Pyzam.com

Comment Graphics at pYzam.com

Awesome Graphics at pYzam.com

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

This chick is fuckin awesome!


Fun Fun Randomness
Have you ever been to a different country?: Not yet
Are you a vegetarian?: Nope
Do you play a musical instrument?: A couple
Are you double jointed?: Nope
Can you whistle?: Yep
Do you have any special talents?: heehee... a few
Have you ever cried in front of others?: yeah
Do you shower daily?: yeah
Name one bad habit of yours:: smoking
What friend of your boyfriend/girlfriend do you find the most attractive?: n/a
Is chubby cute?: on kids
Have you ever been hospitalized?: yeah
Ever done something real bad?: yep
Ever got caught doing something bad?: yep
Rate your dancing skills 1-10:: depends on the shoes. ;)
Are you single?: yep
If not, what's your significant other's name?: n/a
What's your sign?: Libra
What's your middle name?: Ann
What's your favorite flower?: Hibiscus
Who do you idolize?: My mom
If you could speak a foreign language, which would it be?: French. It's hot!
Smell your shirt, what does it smell like?: dryer sheets
What kind of deoderant do you use?: Dove
What's your best physical feature?: Eyes
What's your favorite physical feature in the opposite sex?: Eyes/lips
Are you afraid of the dark?: nope
Day/Night?: Night
Sun/Rain?: Sun
Cold/Hot?: Hot
Dog/Cat?: Dog
Sneeze/Cough?: Sneeze
Favorite Super Nintendo game:: Super Mario Bros
Favorite board game:: Scrabble
Favorite arcade game:: Pac Man
When was the last time you shagged?: lol
Rate it on a scale of 1-10:: 8.75
Does anything hurt on your body right now? If yes, what?:: my back
Sleeping position:: however I fall asleep
Children?: 1... she's awesome!
Least favorite food:: Lima Beans
Most desirable place to visit:: Austrailia
Have you ever peed the bed?: when I was a kid
Do you enjoy reality tv?: sometimes
Do you believe in a higher power?: yeah
Are you supersticious?: not really
Believe in ghosts?: no
Ever seen a ghost?: no
Watch porn?: I have.
What's your favorite horror film?: Halloween
What's the best book you've ever read?: idk
Lactose Intolerant?: no
If you could put one thing in your mouth right now, what would it be?: haha! wow... that could be taken so wrong! Pop Rocks... they're cool!
Least favorite word:: "Whatev!"
Worst teacher:: idk
Best kisser:: mm... my ex... too bad he's a jerk.
Most embarrassing moment:: idk
Do you bite your nails?: no
Most desired length of hair on opposite sex?: shorter than mine
Are you bilingual?: no
Do you work hard for your money?: yes
Do you own a plant?: no
Do you own a fish?: no
What is on your feet right now?: fuzzy slippers
When was the last time you showered?: today
Have you ever cheated on a loved one?: no
Ever ratted someone out?: yes
Who was the last person you yelled at?: my daughter
Who was the last person you hit?: umm.... Mike prolly
Who was the last person you kissed?: a boy.
Are you wearing underwear?: No, actually I'm not at the moment...
If so..what kind?:
Do you like bananas?: lol. sure
Can you sing?: when I want to...
What's your future child's name going to be?: idk
Are you racist?: no
Are you a homophobe?: no
What's your favorite kind of animal?: Butterfly
Have you ever been bitten by a spider?: no
Ever had a tic stuck to you?: no
Have you ever cried for no reason?: no
Do you have piercings?: Ears/nose
Do you have tattoos?: 3.. 2 on my back, 1 on my foot and like 4 more to go!
How long is your hair?: Middle of my back...
How long are you..okay how tall are you?: lol... 5'6''
What do you do for a living?: Talk to idiots...
Where's the prettiest place you've ever been?: idk
Is Shakira hot?: Yeah, but Kat Von D is hotter!
Do you want someone's boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
Do you have the hots for a co-worker?: no
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My hero is totally my mom.... I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!!!!!

My Blog

Have you ever felt like a Sex and the City episode gone bad??

Ok, I know women can feel me on this... and some guys too, I'm sure... But to be quite honest, guys, right at this very moment, I don't really care.... No offense or anything, but there you have it......
Posted by ..::..oXOXo..::.. on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 03:55:00 PST

How do you view life?

I don't know how many of you have heard about the book/dvd called "The Secret".... If you have, awesome, if not, you should.... It explains basically the secret of life... It explains that you can hav...
Posted by ..::..oXOXo..::.. on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 10:50:00 PST

No bullshit.....

No Bullshit.... When someone says that they aren't about bullshit, half the time, they're full of shit.... That's what I've found anyway.... Ya know, I'm at a point at this moment in time that I real...
Posted by ..::..oXOXo..::.. on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:19:00 PST

Now THIS is what I want....

What I want..... I want someone who loves me unconditionally... I want someone who will wipe my tears away and laugh with me in the same conversation.... I want someone who I can talk to about anyth...
Posted by ..::..oXOXo..::.. on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:54:00 PST

Good Shit!! :)

Nobody owes you a living,What you achieve or fail in you lifetime is directly related to what you do or fail to do. No one chooses his parents or childhood but you can choose your own direction. Every...
Posted by ..::..oXOXo..::.. on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 06:14:00 PST