Meeting new friends,bowling,soccer,table tennis, tennis,hang out, listen to music, chatting,guitar, and everything ^_^ be honest i dont know who i want to meet..just wanna meet someone that can be my fren n also someone that can understand me i hope u guys r willing to be my fren...hehehe...just msg me if u cant add me as ur fren k...or just add me straight away!! coz u'll regret if u dont wanna become my fren me!!!!^_^ ;p =] +_+ ~_~ "']:D =-)(^(^(^_^)^)^)(-(-(-_-)-)-)
erm...all types of musics......yeah i really mean ALL...anything that can make me dance..anything that can make me angguk kepale...anything that can make my feet bergerak....anything that can make me jump..anythng laa ...hahahahaha)
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LOTR trilogy..LOTR 4 (lord of the ringtone: return of the phone call), spiderman 1 &2, you got served, Matrix trilogy, Star Wars, Harry Potter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 lebih2 plak dah, Shrek 1&2, The day after 2moro..Kingdom of heaven...(breathe in....out...x cukup oxygen laa plak) huh there are lots of my favorite movies actually....but cant bother to write them all...
naruto..simpson...futurama...CSI...Charmed....DHW...all shows from sky one......all Japanese anime..GTO....ermm also like to watch my own tv shows hahaha...its really nice u know...and etc....but now, since i moved to glasgow i dont watch any..why? coz i dont have any tv!!! so is there anyone out there wanna give me one? or maybe pay the tv licence for me too? anyone? pleaseee...i'll treat you...hahahaha
Any books