Khairuddin profile picture


~FrIeNdShIp iS tHe gReatest GiFt iN oUr liFe~

About Me

me?? oh so you wanna know about me huh..i'm the person who has two pairs of eyes..two pairs of nose..n one face...hahaha...ermm i dont really know how to describe my self..but sometimes people say that i'm funny ..caring...sarcastic!!..sometimes boring (depends on my mood)...n other good and bad things hahaha.. actually there's nothing special about me..i'm just someone that tries to change my self ...keskeskes...yeah i'm just like you guyz..normal people right?? i've a twin bro n i know that u guys dont have one hehehe...tul tak ....always fight with him..... i've a cute sis too n i really love her soooo people out there..make sure u treat her properly ok....mann i'm not really good in describing my self ...maybe i need more time kot...neway u guys dont have to know about me..n if u still do..then just ask.....kage bunshin no jitsu!!!...booooommm

My Interests

Meeting new friends,bowling,soccer,table tennis, tennis,hang out, listen to music, chatting,guitar, and everything ^_^

I'd like to meet: be honest i dont know who i want to meet..just wanna meet someone that can be my fren n also someone that can understand me i hope u guys r willing to be my fren...hehehe...just msg me if u cant add me as ur fren k...or just add me straight away!! coz u'll regret if u dont wanna become my fren me!!!!^_^ ;p =] +_+ ~_~ "']:D =-)(^(^(^_^)^)^)(-(-(-_-)-)-)


erm...all types of musics......yeah i really mean ALL...anything that can make me dance..anything that can make me angguk kepale...anything that can make my feet bergerak....anything that can make me jump..anythng laa ...hahahahaha)

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LOTR trilogy..LOTR 4 (lord of the ringtone: return of the phone call), spiderman 1 &2, you got served, Matrix trilogy, Star Wars, Harry Potter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 lebih2 plak dah, Shrek 1&2, The day after 2moro..Kingdom of heaven...(breathe in....out...x cukup oxygen laa plak) huh there are lots of my favorite movies actually....but cant bother to write them all...


naruto..simpson...futurama...CSI...Charmed....DHW...all shows from sky one......all Japanese anime..GTO....ermm also like to watch my own tv shows hahaha...its really nice u know...and etc....but now, since i moved to glasgow i dont watch any..why? coz i dont have any tv!!! so is there anyone out there wanna give me one? or maybe pay the tv licence for me too? anyone? pleaseee...i'll treat you...hahahaha


Any books