---»This is what BEST FRiENDS look like ♥«---
What's a TRUE friend? Well I know one girl, who has your back, WON'T talk crap about you, and is your BEST friend at the same time. Miss. Hailey Hayes :] I love her, I know if I have ANY problem's I can turn to her for anything at all, no matter how big the problem is or how small, shes my SCW, wife, but most importantly my best friend forever. & Hailey, Just know, I have your back & I love you to peices! ♥
YOu have to watch this it's too cute.
When i get married;; she`ll be my maid of honor
When i have a baby;; she`ll be the god mother
&& When i die;; My grave will be right next to hers
This girl is MORE than my;; best friend
She`s my OTHER HALF---HaileyNicoleHayes3
My papa! R.I.P Who i miss more and more each and everyday.