Banyan trees. Acoustic music. Hugs. Chocolate. My parents. Dancing. Sitting indian- style. Being transparent. Feeling God's presence. Sunsets. My future husband and kids. Vanilla soy milk. Mentoring. Butterflies. Kisses. Butterfly kisses. Riding my new bike. Iced Soy Chais. My new buddy, Sam. Beach yoga classes. Bonfires. Peacocks. Being independent. Needing to be dependent. Sliding on wood floors with slippery socks. Courtney-Coffee brainstorming sessions. Hearing from God. Coffee. Funky jewelry. Ginese and Bobby. Slow Dancing. Birds. Avacadoes. Brown. Painting on the beach. Trails in the woods. Garage sales. Triple Grande Soy White Mochas. Sudoku. Moses' life. Autumn. Zebras. Bronze. Flowy skirts. Hippy people. Sleepovers. Scrabble. Being barefoot. Hammocks. Twirling. Reading. Picnics. Pineapple. Spontaneity. Road trips. Getting to know people. Skipping rocks. Treehouses. Wildflowers. Laughing. Dayne. Laughing because of Dayne. Scavenger hunts. Curls. Sleeping in strange places. Getting mail. Talking with God. Tubing. Sushi. Smores. Sandcastles. Thunderstorms. Smiling. Christmas lights. Tire swings. Laying in the grass. Fireworks. Birds. Trampolines. Holding hands. Little Angie. Stars. Dreaming BIG. Sidewalk chalk. Mosaics. Colorful things. Being a Planner-Pants Maghee. Decorating. My new starbucks alias, Zoey. Being a missionary. Rockin to Natasha Bedingfield with the windows down. My lantern. My Californian friend and support, Liz. Snuggling with anyone who loves me. Taking pictures. Playing jumbo frisbee at the beach. Being confident in how God made me. Teaching girls to do the same. Andrea- meetings. Seeing God in the sunset. Raw sugar. My hippity- hop cup.
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