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I am here for Friends

About Me

Banyan trees. Acoustic music. Hugs. Chocolate. My parents. Dancing. Sitting indian- style. Being transparent. Feeling God's presence. Sunsets. My future husband and kids. Vanilla soy milk. Mentoring. Butterflies. Kisses. Butterfly kisses. Riding my new bike. Iced Soy Chais. My new buddy, Sam. Beach yoga classes. Bonfires. Peacocks. Being independent. Needing to be dependent. Sliding on wood floors with slippery socks. Courtney-Coffee brainstorming sessions. Hearing from God. Coffee. Funky jewelry. Ginese and Bobby. Slow Dancing. Birds. Avacadoes. Brown. Painting on the beach. Trails in the woods. Garage sales. Triple Grande Soy White Mochas. Sudoku. Moses' life. Autumn. Zebras. Bronze. Flowy skirts. Hippy people. Sleepovers. Scrabble. Being barefoot. Hammocks. Twirling. Reading. Picnics. Pineapple. Spontaneity. Road trips. Getting to know people. Skipping rocks. Treehouses. Wildflowers. Laughing. Dayne. Laughing because of Dayne. Scavenger hunts. Curls. Sleeping in strange places. Getting mail. Talking with God. Tubing. Sushi. Smores. Sandcastles. Thunderstorms. Smiling. Christmas lights. Tire swings. Laying in the grass. Fireworks. Birds. Trampolines. Holding hands. Little Angie. Stars. Dreaming BIG. Sidewalk chalk. Mosaics. Colorful things. Being a Planner-Pants Maghee. Decorating. My new starbucks alias, Zoey. Being a missionary. Rockin to Natasha Bedingfield with the windows down. My lantern. My Californian friend and support, Liz. Snuggling with anyone who loves me. Taking pictures. Playing jumbo frisbee at the beach. Being confident in how God made me. Teaching girls to do the same. Andrea- meetings. Seeing God in the sunset. Raw sugar. My hippity- hop cup.

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to go on a long walk through the woods with Jesus, play charades with the cast from Seinfeld and pray with Francine Rivers.

My Blog

story time with Miss Lyndsey

Once upon a time in a fairly large and ridiculously busy world, there lived a princess. This princess was an average looking girl, not the fairest one in all the land and when looked upon in a crowd, ...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 07:41:00 GMT

If youre really my friend...

...then you should know random info about me.   true friends should know secrets- the deepest, most intimate things about your life. but at the same time- they should know the random quirky part...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 08:50:00 GMT

i am called

I am called. I am called to the largest mission field in the world. I am called to minister to children. My calling is sure. My challenge is big. My vision is clear. My desire is strong. My influence ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:23:00 GMT

Think about it

Think about what the Bible claims to be... The Creator writing to the creation. The Life-Giver writing to the to life- reciever. The Savior writing to the saved...  It's phenomenal, rea...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 21:16:00 GMT

My beloved Box Crew

 In my reflections of 2006, I must say that some of my most amazing and crazy God moments came out of my time with you girls. My life in Bradenton wouldn't be the same without you three. Every Su...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 19:48:00 GMT

my afternoon date

So today I really pushed myself to do some type of physical activity because I have been quite the dead beet recently. So after work, I reluctantly put on my comfies and tennies and hit the road for a...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 20:35:00 GMT


Do you ever get that strange feeling out of nowhere that something is wrong? You have no idea what it is, but all of a sudden you are filled with hopelessness and confusion. It's not even like a set o...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 22:23:00 GMT

hopeFUL romantic

Why does everyone say that they are a hopeLESS romantic?  I love the idea of love. I love that in all the mazillion people in this world, there is only one man out there that will love me as Chri...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 21:10:00 GMT

just bloggin it up

So I have this issue... well I may have more than one, but I must tackle them one at a time and I've decided to start with a fun one to vent about. So everyday I race the clock to get everything done...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 16:18:00 GMT