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I am here for Friends

About Me

bring me OH's and ill be ur friend......... /..

My Interests

beach, rippers, strippers, snowboardin,beer, bitches, gonja, fishin, tubing, sizzurp, WHAMWHAM, and jus straight up livin it

I'd like to meet:

i aint here ta start no drama jus lookin for my future baby mamas.........hhhhhhhhnnnnnnggghhhhhhhhh


i like all dat shit


familyguy, fight club, PIE, dazed n confuzed, signs, fast times at ridgmont high, spun, iceage2, anchorman, starsky and hutch, waiting, n a shitload more


when i got nothin better to do family guy, 70's show, simpsons,my name is earl, office,maybe some macgyver and a little thing i call football


hooked on phonics 1-3 phonics on tape worked for me


Hefner himself