Motorcycles, women oh yeah... did I mention this one 'Hungry Man' tv dinner with this corn and the chicken... oh my gosh.
Jesus... no, wait... Oprah... no, wait...
I'd like to meet the maker of 'Hungry Man' tv dinners, cause that's all I eat. I'd like to shake that man's hand. There's this one... with corn, it's the best corn I've ever had in my whole life, and the chicken... oh my gosh.
I like everything, I have a wide canal of taste when it comes to music. From say Nine Inch Nails through Frank Sinatra, to 50Cent. I like it all...
My favorite movie would be a toss up between 'A Night at the Roxxbury' & 'Dumber and Dumberer'.
My Fave shows are... Cops, Elimidate, MXC, South Park, Next, Iron Chef, and... DISNEY CHANNEL! I also like the Worlds Funniest Animals, and the Playboy Channel.
Books... I don't read books, nope I don't do that, I read magazines. I.E. Motorcycle magazines and GQ. yep, those two.
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