"Receiving the Gift of Salvation"
For all who are lost and are looking for a WAY out…JESUS CHRIST is the WAY! Jesus said that “I am the way…the truth and the lifeâ€. This life that you are living is not really living…If you don’t have God, you don’t have life.God wants to be closer to you, He wants to bless you and use you. But what's in the way??????
The Real Question is, ARE YOU SAVED? For the scripture says that you must be reborn and baptized in order to go with God.
Have you received salvation? REALLY received it????
If not, You could repeat this prayer:
"Heavenly father, Lord I confess of all of my sins, wash me and renew a clean and right spirit within me. Lord forgive me of ALL of my sins. Lord, I believe that you dwelt on this earth, and that you were crucified on the cross and that the blood YOu shed was for the remission of MY sins. Lord I believe that they put you in a tomb and that on the third day, you rose from the grave, with all power in your hands. God this day, I want to live my life for you, to do Your will; so I will pick up my cross and follow you. And from this day forward, I am SAVED! Thank you for saving me in Jesus's name....AMEN!"
NOW PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOD loves you so much, and wants you to trust Him with your life. Do you think He would steer you in the wrong path???? I certainly don't. Those are the best hands for my life to be in.