Movie MySpace Layouts - Elvis Presley MySpace Layouts
Movie MySpace Layoutspaper slideim quiet,i'm married,im pretty cool i think? im handicaped to a certian extent,but thats ok. i deal with it. i figure there are people more worse than i am. I dont like fakes, LIARS ESPECIALLY,cheats,bullshitters,PEOPLE WHO USE PEOPLE, etc. do unto others, you wouldn't want me to do it to you. say anything ,ill be honest as i can. im trying to be a SONGWRITER so hey, if anyone wants some songs let me know im sure they'll be a hit. as far as war goes? why can't we all just get along,hmm!! if you do write to me and i say anything wrong,i'm apoligising now,just in case.IF SOMEONE ASK YOU WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO CHANGE YOUR PAST..YOU SAY."I WOULDN'T CHANGE NOTHING ITS BEEN DONE,ITS THE FUTURE IS WHAT NEEDS CHANGING"DANCINmatt g song demos brick pic
[Caption.iT - Face in Hole]PICS OF FAV PHOTOS