I don't remember. I'm sure at one time I had my own interests but now I have two kids so Football and Spongebob have kinda taken over. I have flashbacks every now and then of sandy beaches, candlelit bubble baths, backrubs, drives up the coast, slow dancing...but that was a long time ago.
I don't like to meet people. I prefer to stalk them from a safe distance!...Ha! When you feel that tingle up the back of your neck...that's me!
Let me hear it and I will let you know if I like it. If you will dance with me to it..I love it. Otherwise ZZ Top, M & M, Cher, Whitesnake, A/C D/C, Metallica, Most country or rock from the 70's and 80's.
The Ref (Funniest Christmas movie ever,)
King of the Hill, 70's show, House, Football, I never watch the news.
Mostly just bedtime stories!
I'll let you know when he comes to my rescue!