playing with my dog, running, biking, hiking, watching movies, reading non-science literature, people watching, reality tv (shhh, don't tell), bowling, wiffleball, playing tennis, dancing, going to good shows, wasting time on the internet (like now)
"I have a special plunger. It fucks shit up." - Charlie
"you can't knock down this pilar of awesomeness." - Suzie
"not all dogs are vampires." - Kari
"things are...things are...things are rad." - Suzie
"the hangover is the mother of invention." - Sam
"i don't know how i got so wasted man" - suzie
"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted." - MLK
"Tombstone is like Dirty Dancing for men." - Peter
"It's in the valley where we learn who we really are" - Mary J Blige
people who like to laugh and try new things. people who will play tennis with me, or go to shows with me, or dance with me, or go see wonderfully goofy movies like Napoleon Dynamite. people who are honest and real and will cut through the bullshit. People that can surprise me and give me a new slant on things. Dog lovers...but not dog LOVERS. My life is crazy busy most of the time so anyone who can keep up with my speeding train of thought and can just chill and hang out sometimes is a-okay by me.
I am a DJ at Rainydawg Radio ( My show streams live every Monday 1pm-3pm. The show features local artists, so if you're an artist with ties to the PacNW and want some play, hit me up! If you just like music, listen in! Shows are archived, so you can listen anytime!
I like just about anything with a good beat, funky jazzy stuff, good hip hop, soul, some indie KEXP type music, 80's music at times....lately I've been listening to Lady Sovereign, Jurassic 5's new album and Common Market (Yay 206 hip hop!).
I always have in rotation: Choklate, Blue Scholars, Byrdie, Mary J. Blige, Dangermouse & MF Doom (go meatwad!), Lady Sovereign, Otis Redding, Curtis Mayfield, Marvin Gaye, Erykah Badu, Jay-Z, Common, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Jill Scott, Blackalicious, Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, M.I.A., Gnarls Barkley, Modest Mouse, Snow Patrol, Sufjan Stevens, Postal Service, Nizlopi (emo Brit band I discovered while in London), Zero 7, Morcheeba...i'm always finding new ones too, so really the list is infinite.
I think I'd need a couple pages, but Kill Bill was great, Office Space and the Big Lebowski are staples, Napoleon Dynamite, Garden State, and Little Miss Sunshine are my new favorites, Secretary is always fun, in a naughty sort of way...Dave Chapelle's Block Party NEVER gets old... V for Vendetta and Blood Diamond are awesome in their own politically powerful ways.I just saw this great movie at SIFF called Severance. It's a slasher comedy...fucking great! Probably one of the best movies I've seen in many full moons.
Ok, I'll admit it....I like TV, so all you judgemental hippies can go to hell. In what little spare time I have I like to watch on occasion: America's Next Top Model (catfight!), Project Runway, Law and Order SVU, Desperate Housewives (great satire), Grey's Anatomy, the Daily Show, The Colbert Report, South Park, Chappelle's Show, Arrested Development (very possibly the funniest show I've ever seen), and old episodes of Twin Peaks on VHS with poor tracking.
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too many to name...Chuck is a gold standard, I love this great book my sister gave me: The Most Evil Women in History...a great read, very uplifting, you should pick it up
The Da Vinci Code was pretty freakin' good considering it actually got me interested about history and cryptology for more than 30 seconds...
I just finished this great book of people's childhood journal entries called Mortified. Fucking awesome. I laughed my ass off. Memorable passages include:
"I am so popular and scandalous!"
"I hate Drake. He is the worse curse ever. I hope he burns in a way that hurts alot."
"Oh! And I tried cocaine today! It is the coolest fucking thing on Earth! I think I'm addicted. Oh well!"
Oh and anything David Sedaris writes makes me laugh til I pee.
I am now ADDICTED to the Postsecret books...somehow reading other people's secrets makes me feel less alone, more connected to the world, and glad to be a beautifully flawed human being.
I'm actually looking to put together a summer reading list, so if you have any suggestions, let me know!
MLK, Annie Duke (ante up baby!), Amy Sedaris, Jeffery "The Dude" Lebowski, Napoleon Dynamite, Alfred Russell Wallace, and every strong female who fought (and continues to fight) to give women the right to vote, choose, get an education, and work for a fair wage. I'm also consistently wowed by mi mommy-cita, my sistas, and Freeway Dog.