Hello world my name is KAYLA .. i like to learn new things..meet new people.. watch funny movies..cry over oprah and that episode of fresh prince when carlton took the speed (gets me every time)..laugh til my stomach hurts.. 84 degree weather.. flavor of love..i love my good friends like family..i love my fam..i love new clothes..my macy's card..accomplishing things for myself..making my own decisions..new music..cheesburgers from mc donalds..chipotle.. panda..my mom, auntie, and grandpa's food..i highly dislike cats.. pretty much animals in general but some are tolerable..i love anything with chocolate on it.. highly dislike liars.. dont really like to use the word hate.. love the people that love me.. highly dislike the ignorant and stupid..i feel sorry for them really..i wish i had more money.. but dont we all?
my AIM --- kaylakay84705
this is a pic of all my friends.. ping da sneak does the best artwork
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