I have an interest of respecting living things, that is part of the reason I choose a vegan diet. I also have an interest in my health, that is the other half of my reasoning for choosing a vegan diet. I know what you are thinking, and i am not from Mars. Also, for the record, I am not stuck up, judging your lifestyle, malnourished, protein deficient, or perfect. For the most part I use organic/vegan products whenever possible. And before you run for the hills (far away from me- as all of my dates have after i order brown rice and veggies), it's not so bad... really. I mean all "organic" means is i eat foods that are natural (95% chemical free)... i mean when eating mint chocolate cookies would you rather have actual chocolate and mint, or imitation chemical syrups? Yes that's right, I still eat cookies, LOVE them... Just as much as I love cake, brownies, ice cream, pasta, enchiladas, tacos, soup, bread, sandwiches, burgers, pizza, Starbucks... all apart of my vegan/organic diet, it's just that my versions are whole grain, cholesterol-free, high in fiber, loaded with Omega 3s, nutrient rich, cruelty free, and not going to give me a heart attack or make me look like Mariah Carey during the Emancipation of Mimi Tour. So as you can probably tell by now, another one of my interests is FOOD! I LOVE food, and on my diet I can eat all the food I want and not get fat or become unhealthy! Does it all start to make sense now?My other passions are running, cosmetology, esthetics (skin care), friends, great weather, researching facts (always looking for the truth!), and i guess I will have to add to this list as I discover new interests; as I am always evolving.
I'd like to meet someone who isn't intimidated by me. I am honest and real, and not about to play mother Theresa or Samantha Jones. I just want space to me me, doesn't everybody? Elementary assumptions might lead one to answer, "yes" to my last question, but surprisingly I find so many of my friends playing "a role" of perfection in their relationships. I'm sorry but, balancing on a tight-wire and walking barefoot on eggshells is NOT my idea of a perfect relationship.I want to meet a scruffy-shaggy guy with dark hair and an explosive personality. Someone with a soft smile and hard bite. He has to be cultured, excepting, artistic (of some sort, all media of art excepted), and sweet. Tattoos and piercings are hot! But so are business suits and blackberrys. Usually the individuals that I am most fascinated with are those who are a bit off beat and tend to stick-out. Yes, to bring my thoughts full circle once again, I want a man who is not afraid to be himself.
I'm a music freak, but mostly I admire the art of music, expression. Musical artists I admire are: Madonna, Tori Amos, Ani Difranco, NIN, Manson, Lisa Loeb, Gwen Stefani, Snoop, ...
Totally digging "Bridget Jones's Diary" and "Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason". Other favorites are: "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", "Teen Witch", "Evita", "Halloween" (all), "Evil Dead" (original), "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (all-except pt. 2), "Friday the 13th" (pt.III), "Poetic Justice", "A Pyromaniac's Love story", "Bowling for Columbine", "Fahrenheit 9/11", "Sicko", "Truth or Dare", "I'm Going to Tell You a Secret", "Mermaids", ...
"Sex in the City" (forever!), "The Mary Tyler Moore Show", "All American Girl" (so sad when it was cancelled), "Ellen" (ditto), "Rhoda", "The Bob Newhart Show", "Clarissa Explains it All", "Hey Dude", "Are You Afraid of the Dark?", "The X-Files", ...
Anything informational, my recent favorite that I urge EVERYONE to read at least once is, "Skinny Bitch" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. It's a great wake up call, and a great place to start researching health facts.
Women, because they know what's up!