What can i say about me mmmmmmmmm let me think better not the other braincell might get lonely LMFAO ( Y ) ...no serious i guess i can say im fun,energetic,artistic,compasionate,CARING.understanding...s
o if you think i might be a NBR GUY you are WRONG i dont like people who just add it means they have not even read this first paragraph so please have the common decency to at least mail me aswell as add me as i believe its only common decency that seperates us from being cavemen UGG UGG.... enough about me most of my time i spend it asking women to open up so i can strip them rub em down fill em and the cover them with a quick toss... lol THE woodwork what were you thinking lol so after work i like to draw ...muck about with on-line gaming or just chatting so chat to ya soon i hope....
till then MWAAAAAH X X X XP.S
The path of healing begins with awareness that things can be different. We must be willing to open to the potential, the possibility for change.We also need to acknowledge that we are not in this experience alone, without support. The divine power of love is here for us, if we are willing to open to receive it. Sincerely ask for help and loving support will manifest in both mundane and magical ways."The healthy, the strong individual, is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he has an abscess on his knee or in his soul."-- Rona Barrett --